Planning February 2013

Planning February 2013

Planning coverCalifornia Scrambles

James Krohe Jr. peers into the future of cities stripped of their redevelopment agencies.

Oregon's 40-Year-Old Innovation

A remarkable planning program reaches a milestone. A Sustaining Places story by Katherine H. Daniels, AICP, and Edward J. Sullivan.

Ideas Per Square Foot

Janne Corneil and David Gamble describe how innovation districts measure success. In Planning Practice.

Down and Out in Dallas and Philadelphia and ...

Struggling cities are cutting services — as JoAnn Greco reports.

Hunger in the Arctic

Climate change challenges the Inuits' food supply. Story and photos by Isabelle Groc.

Where Schools Are Change Agents

Jennifer Zirkle and Rachel Lynn explain how a school system overhaul is building a better Detroit.

Crime and Planning

An excerpt from Derek Paulsen's new book.


Idaho taxes, historic preservation.

Legal News

Temporary taking by flood.

By the Numbers

Statistics in the news, compiled by APA's Research Department. This month: geodata.

Research You Can Use

Reid Ewing revisits mixed method research.


Sticky issues, Florida's last chance.

Planners Library

Fresh water, Jane Jacobs in Toronto.


New reports, blogs, videos, etc..


Facing facts.

Cover: Carlton Winemakers Studio in Carlton, Oregon; photo by Leah Nash / The New York Times.