Planning Innovation on the Silicon Slopes

Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. CDT

CM | 1.25

Location: R08

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  • Tools and methodology to attract and retain major employers and guide transportation investments in the face of change
  • Three important factors in sustaining economic development in the 21st century as they relate to site planning, transportation infrastructure, and market development
  • Strategies to overcome the challenge of disruptive technologies (micro transit, TNCs, and AVs) atop existing inadequate means of transportation and mobility


Join a team of panelists who are currently undertaking a major regional vision strategy for one of the country’s most dynamic innovation corridors at a time when disruptive technologies are flipping transportation planning on its head. The Salt Lake City area is focused on 21st-century “innovation economy” jobs, but continued growth is not a given. The area is facing significant challenges balancing the costs and benefits of growth, including rapidly urbanizing suburbs, growing congestion, diminishing housing affordability and the struggle to foster quality job growth. This area provides a valuable case study for evaluating today’s pressing questions for regional planners: How does a region invest in and grow its “innovation economy” in terms of physical planning, economics, public policy, and transportation? How does it attract jobs in the 21st century? How are disruptive technologies changing our rhythm and cadence of development? How can we build resiliency in transportation planning given national trends and disruptive technologies? How can we continue to ensure access to affordable housing as land around job centers becomes scarce? Explore a multifaceted, multidisciplinary approach emphasizing regional planning to create people- and employee-based places where future generations want to be.

Session Speakers

Alexander Roy
Salt Lake City, UT

Erin Talkington
RCLCO Real Estate Advisors
Bethesda, MD

Anonymous Headshot

Jeff Harris
Utah Department of Transportation
Salt Lake City, UT

Kevin K. Leo, AICP
El Cajon, CA

Rae Smith, AICP
Organizer and Speaker
San Francisco, CA

Activity ID: NPC188173