Fostering Global Exchange in Sustainable Cities

Sunday, April 22, 2018 from 10:45 a.m. - noon CDT

CM | 1.25

Location: R02

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  • Why knowledge transfer in an increasingly globalizing world is so important
  • Benefits of global exchange and international learning
  • Opportunities and constraints involved in applying international best practices in a local context


As planners grapple with the realities of the impacts of climate change, the mantra “think globally, act locally” can be considered a guiding principle. However, the reality of planning practice often constricts planners to “think locally,” based on political, geographic, and work-related constraints. Planners often collaborate on a regional, state, or national level; however, international informational exchange can provide opportunities that expand the palette of best practices to address climate-change impacts, resiliency, and sustainability innovations. Learn about the benefits of collaboration and knowledge exchange with German planners, officials, and organizations. The first portion of the session details how the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) has explored and helped to implement green-infrastructure best practices with the aid of German regional planning organizations. The second portion of the session details the Post Carbon Cities of Tomorrow (POCACITO) program, which brings European officials to American cities, and vice versa, to tour green-infrastructure and energy-related projects. The session concludes with a discussion of a tour of German cities organized by POCACITO for emerging planners and environmental professionals in the United States.

Session Speakers

Brendan O'Donnell
Ecologic Institute
Washington, DC

Katherine Gerbes, AICP
Gaithersburg, MD

Max Gruenig
Ecologic Institute US
Washington, DC

Michael Swidrak, AICP
Organizer and Speaker
City of Alexandria Dept of Planning
Washington, DC

Richard A. Lawrence, AICP
City of Alexandria Dept of Planning
Alexandria, VA

Activity ID: NPC188092