Comprehensive Plan Update

Town of Lyons

Lyons, CO

The Town of Lyons, Colorado (the "Town") is requesting Statements of Qualifications from firms (the "Consultant") to provide professional consulting services to update our comprehensive plan. The purpose of the comprehensive plan is to create a long-term vision for building an inclusive and environmentally, economically, and socially resilient, sustainable town.

The updated plan should reflect the desire of the community to maintain its small-town character and to support and manage growth in a responsible manner. The plan will serve as the foundation for future decisions by Town staff, boards/commissions, and elected and appointed officials. It will guide future inter-governmental relationships. The plan should clearly identify ways to improve processes for future updates to plans.

The expectation is for the Consultant to prioritize the town's wants and needs with regard to the comprehensive plan. It should specifically identify strategies and resources to develop a process and schedule for implementing updates to the town's plan.

Request Type
Wednesday, July 8, 2020