AICP Fellows Nominations

The AICP College of Fellows nomination process is biennial. Nominations are due during odd-numbered years.

How to Nominate

Nominations must be submitted in one of three ways*

  1. By the Chapter President
  2. By the Division chair
  3. By 10 individual AICP members

Chapter presidents and Division chairs receive lists of all AICP members eligible for nomination.

Assembling a nomination package that captures an exemplary planner's career requires considerable time and attention to detail. Begin nominations well ahead of time.


FAICP Nomination Guidelines

Please carefully read, follow, and apply the instructions provided by AICP for Fellows nominations. These materials are regularly updated to accurately reflect the process and offer valuable insights to nominees. The selection committee faithfully applies these instructions and criteria to ensure a transparent and equitable evaluation process.

Based on recommendations from the 2024 FAICP Selection Committee and the College of Fellows Committee, updates to the FAICP Nomination Guidelines have been made. The changes are aimed at increased transparency and to support APA's Prioritize Equity strategic initiative.

Changing the Annotated resume to the nominee's story

The Annotated Resume has been transformed into the "Nominee's Story." By structuring the nominee's achievements into a cohesive narrative, this approach allows for a compelling and effective presentation of how the nominee meets the primary criteria. This structured storytelling will make the nominee's contributions both engaging and persuasive, ensuring they are clearly recognized.

  • Exceptional and sustained leadership, resulting in a readily definable change to a place, people, or process.
  • Innovation and excellence in creating consensus and support for a planning activity that has led to community improvements.
  • An evident legacy for their profession, community, and society, such as an impact that has created or shown potential to provide a benefit to their profession, community, and society.
  • Exceptional accomplishments in planning over the extent of their career or an extended period.
  • Clear significance of the nominee's unique role in the work is mentioned throughout the nomination.

Fellows Eligibility Guide (Rubric)

To ensure transparency, a Fellows Eligibility Guide/(Rubrc) based on the revised Fellows Guidelines will be made available to both nominees and nominators. This tool is used by the FAICP Selection Committee to assess and evaluate nomination applications.


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