In Memoriam: William W. Bowdy, FAICP

We note with sorrow the passing of former AICP President William W. Bowdy, FAICP, on April 12, 2017.
Bowdy was inducted as a Fellow in 1999 and served as AICP president from 1995–1997. In addition, he served APA in numerous capacities, including as the first president of the APA Kentucky Chapter. He also served on the Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) for five years, visiting colleges and universities to evaluate their planning programs.
Bowdy earned his master's degree in urban planning at Michigan State University. After serving as the assistant director of the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission in Akron, Ohio, he joined the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission (now Planning and Development Services of Kenton County) in 1965, and was named executive director of the organization in 1970, a position he held until his retirement in 2002.