AICP Exam Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful AICP Exam FAQ's

How is online testing secure?

Prior to taking the exam itself, testers must present their ID card and testers are assigned a Prometric Readiness Agent to guide them through various steps via video chat. The steps include an environmental check showing work surface and room and a scan of the person including pockets, glasses, etc. During the exam, Prometric staff will monitor testers throughout the testing process and will be available to help at any point during the exam.

How do I test online?

The online test is similar to the in-person exam, including access to a Prometric Proctor during the exam. There are a few technical requirements you much meet in order to use the online testing. First, please review the requirements in the ProProctor user guide. Next, confirm your computer is compatible by running a system check. You'll be able to schedule an appointment for online testing if you pass the system check and meet the requirements in the user guide.

How do I contact Prometric regarding remote testing?

For scheduling support:

Toll Free: U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada: 1-800-813-6779

International: 1-443-455-6299.Note that any international charges may apply


For technical support:

If you require technical support with launching, please visit:

I prefer to transfer to the next exam window. Is that possible?

Yes, you can postpone taking the exam and transfer your exam registration. If you'd like to transfer, please email us at by the transfer deadline.

I can't test remotely. What are my other options?

You can request a transfer to the next exam window by the transfer deadline.

My in-person exam appointment was cancelled. What do I do?

You can request a transfer to the next test window.


Contact us using our customer service form.