General Plan Implementation Program

County of Mariposa

Mariposa, CA

Develop and Manage Overall Process.

The Consultant will be responsible for the development and implementation of an overall project management plan, which is to be a written strategic program to support the successful General Plan Implementation. This plan should include the Consultant's approach to the overall implementation program and generally address coordination and tracking of work products,and tentative schedule, preparation of project status reports, administration of the project's estimated budget, administrative meetings with Mariposa County to discuss project status, and anticipated deliverables. The plan shall also identify staff and Consultant responsibilities.

It is anticipated that the contract entered into between Mariposa County and the Consultant for the overall process will be to perform on-call services related to the overall process developed by the consultant, with staff assistance,and approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Develop and Manage Process for Individual Task Orders and Deliverables.

Following selection and as directed by the Planning Director,the Consultant will be responsible for development of defined Task Orders which shall specify, in greater detail, the specific services to be performed, the anticipated schedule for completion, costs including fees and expenses, deliverables, attendance at meetings, workshops and/or hearings, and environmental documentation.

Task Orders shall be in writing, signed by both parties in advance, and will be attached to the overall contract (or agreement) as consecutive exhibits beginning with Task Order A.

Upon receipt of written authorization from County, Contractor shall perform specific on-call services set forth by individual Task Orders.

Anticipated Deliverables

Based on direction from the Board of Supervisors (through written task orders), anticipated deliverables could include:

  • Overall project management plan
  • Draft and final updated General Plan (as needed following Board of Supervisors review of policies)
  • Draft and final updated Title 17, Zoning Ordinance
  • Draft and updated Title 16, Subdivision Ordinance
  • Draft and updated Title 18, Miscellaneous Land Use Regulations
  • Draft and final area plan(s) or amended area plans(s)
  • Draft and final Environmental Conservation Program
  • Staff report materials
  • CEQA documents, including resolutions, findings, and ordinances

Request Type
Wednesday, May 17, 2017