General Plan Update

City of Pittsburg

Pittsburg, CA

In 2001, the City of Pittsburg completed a comprehensive update of Pittsburg's General Plan, setting forth a policy framework to guide the city's long-term growth and development based on the community's shared goals and aspirations for the year 2020. With the Plan's horizon year approaching, the City is initiating a new update of the document so that it can continue providing critical guidance through the year 2040. The City is seeking proposals from qualified planning and environmental consulting firms interested in preparing the update and the corresponding environmental documentation needed to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Approximately $500,000 will be allocated for this project. The City is looking to start the update in July and complete within 18-24 months.

It is important to note that this update is not envisioned as a wholesale rewrite, but rather a 'refresh' of the existing Plan intended to accommodate projected growth, address current community issues, and meet new statutory requirements. The existing Plan consists of twelve elements: Land Use; Growth Management; Urban Design; Downtown; Economic Development; Transportation; Open Space; Resource Conservation; Health and Safety; Public Facilities; Noise; and Housing. No additional elements would be prepared as part of the update; however, the City is looking to incorporate environmental justice (pursuant to SB 1000), climate change, education, and community health and wellness policies throughout the General Plan. The 2015-2023 Housing Element was adopted and certified in 2015, but the City understands that minor amendments may be necessary to ensure consistency with the updated Plan.

The successful consultant team will have significant experience preparing general plan updates for diverse, suburban communities like Pittsburg along with extensive community outreach, public engagement, and meeting facilitation experience. They will also be expected to deliver high-quality services and products, develop professional meeting and web-ready graphics, and work cooperatively with City staff, outside agencies, Planning Commissioners, City Council members, and the public throughout development of the update.

To review the full RFP, please visit

Request Type
Friday, April 20, 2018