Parks & Recreation Master Plan

The City of Central Falls

Central Falls, RI

General Information:

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to seek proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional services to the City of Central Falls to develop a Parks & Recreation Master Plan as part of the City's current efforts to update its Comprehensive Plan. The plan should create a roadmap for ensuring an appropriate balance of facilities and amenities throughout the community now and into the future. The City is seeking a system-wide approach to evaluating parks and open space recreational facilities and amenities in order to develop goals, policies and guidelines along with achievable strategies.

In addition, The Central Falls Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will be created from this work effort will be heavily used as a resource for future development and redevelopment of the City's parks, open space and recreation system over the next thirty-two years (2050). The consultant will work closely with City staff in preparing the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and will create a document for distribution to the public.

Scope of Work:

I. Demographic Trends

  • Review and interpret demographic trends and characteristics of the City of Central Falls using data compiled by city staff for the City of Central Falls Comprehensive Plan and other regional and local sources

II. Existing and Future Facilities-Analysis

  • Compile an inventory and assessment of the existing parks, trails, open space and recreation facilities within the city, as well as nearby regional parks, trails, open space and recreation facilities. This assessment will include a comparative analysis to communities of similar size and density regionally using nationally accepted standards. The analysis should consider the capacity of each amenity found within the system (playgrounds, ball fields, trails, natural areas, special facilities, etc.), as well as functionality, accessibility, condition, comfort and convenience. Each amenity should be evaluated regarding its service from both a resident and visitor perspective. Evaluation criteria should be based on the expressed values of the community, provided through concurrent work by city staff. The analysis will also include identification of best possible providers of community and recreation services and recommendations for minimizing duplication and enhancing possibilities for partnerships, where appropriate.

III. Rank and Prioritize Demand and Opportunities

  • Provide an assessment and analysis of the Parks and Recreation Department's current level of recreation programs, services, maintenance and staffing in relation to present and future goals, objectives and directives
  • Provide a user fee analysis for facilities, programs and services
  • Provide an analysis of the best possible providers for programs and services. Identify and discern any unnecessary duplication of services through public and private program providers

IV. Progress Reporting

  • The consultant and the City's Project Manager shall hold progress meetings twice per month until the Master Plan is completed. The consultant shall supply the Project Manager with a digital copy of all completed or partially completed reports, studies, forecasts, maps or plans as deemed necessary by the Project Manager at least three (3) working days before each progress meeting. The Project Manager shall schedule the meetings, as necessary, at key times during the development of the Master Plan.

V. Action Plan

  • Collect and analyze demographic information for the community
  • Collect and analyze information on participation, needs, desires, operations, programming and land use trends and make Level of Service recommendations
  • Identify areas of service shortfalls and projected impact of future trends Provide usable and workable definitions and recommendations for designated park and open space with acreages and parameters defined as appropriate
  • Develop recommendations for operations, staffing, maintenance, programming, and funding needs
  • Provide a clear plan for development of programming direction based on standards and demands analysis
  • Develop a definitive program for acquisition and development of parkland, recreational facilities, open space, trails and parks maintenance and administration of facilities for the future
  • Provide a maintenance and operation analysis Identify opportunities for available funding and acquisition alternatives
  • Develop an action plan which includes strategies, priorities and an analysis of budget support and funding mechanisms for the short-term, mid-term, and long- term for the parks system, open space, trails, and recreation programs and services

VI. Development of Final Plan and Supporting Materials

  • The Master Plan must include written goals, plans, objectives, and policy statements that articulate a clear vision and "road map" and model for the Parks and Recreation Department's future
  • A summary of existing conditions, inventories and Level of Service analysis Charts, graphs, maps and other data as needed to support the plan and its presentation to the appropriate audiences
  • An Action Plan
  • A digital copy of the Final Master Plan, in PDF and original editable (i.e. .docx or .indd) format.

Resources Available: A representative from the City of Central Falls will be available throughout the study to answer questions and provide information required to complete the study. Individuals from the City will be available throughout this study to provide available information, current records, history, and contacts to discuss items as the study progresses.

Find the complete RFP at:

Request Type
Friday, May 4, 2018

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