Commuter Corridors Study

North Carolina Capital Area MPO

Raleigh, NC

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is seeking a qualified consulting firm or individual to conduct a corridors study to address select, congested commuter corridors to improve mobility in the CAMPO planning area located in Wake County and parts of Franklin, Granville, Harnett and Johnston counties in North Carolina. Multi-modal commuter corridors in the region are increasingly congested even with major financial investments into the areas transportation network. Vehicle congestion forecasts for the horizon year 2045 continue to show congested corridors despite transportation investments in anticipated projects funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the Wake Transit Plan.

The purpose of this technical study is to explore in detail vehicle congestion forecasts and anticipated volumes, mobility on and around major corridors, travel demand, patterns, public transit and land use in the 2050 horizon year across the region and includes a technical analysis of the region’s most congested commuter corridors to identify what cross-sections are ultimately needed to serve anticipated volumes through the year 2050. The result of the study will be a set of transportation and land use scenarios that will be used as data for value-based conversations with CAMPO’s Executive Board, stakeholders and the general public as we develop updates for the 2050 MTP. The multiple alternative land use and transportation investment scenarios and strategies will include various levels of multi-modal investments including highway and transit investments that demonstrate a multi-modal transportation investments mix that mitigates congestion and reflects a balanced transportation network.

A list of corridors to be explored within the CAMPO area includes, but is not limited to:

Interstates: I-40, I-440, I-87, I-540

US Highways: US-1, US 64, US-70, US-401

NC Highways: NC-55 (HS bypass), NC-540

Completed Proposals are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 15, 2018. This study will be conducted through fiscal year 2019 and will conclude by June 30, 2019. The Notice to Proceed is anticipated to be issued by November 30, 2018. If interested, please visit the CAMPO website at for the complete RFP and requirements.


Crystal L. Odum
Transportation Planner
One City Plaza
P.O. Box 590 | 421 Fayetteville Street, Suite 203 | Raleigh, NC 27601

919-996-4390 - Direct

Request Type
Monday, October 15, 2018

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