Transit Oriented Development Planning Services

Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission

Manchester, NH

A. Project Description:

The Southern NH Planning Commission (SNHPC) is requesting statements of qualifications to provide transit oriented development (TOD) planning services for an area south of downtown Manchester, NH. The project area is bounded by Granite Street to the north, Queen City Avenue to the south, Second Street to the West, and Elm Street to the East. A project area boundary map is included in Appendix A of this RFQ.

This project area was included within a larger study area for the 2017 “Manchester Connects” initiative. The Manchester Connects effort is documented in four “Action Kits” which recommend strategies to implement better connections between the Historic Millyard / Merrimack River and the core downtown area along Elm Street. The Manchester Connects report further identifies opportunities for investment in this TOD project area through the layout of strategy for investment in place-making, new bicycle and parking infrastructure, as well as redevelopment opportunities within the TOD project boundary. This development of a TOD plan for the project area will be further informed by the following past planning initiatives and documents:

This TOD planning effort includes development of existing conditions, layout of potential future transit services, layout of potential future bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, internal project area circulation, evaluation of constraints, development of land use scenarios, and selection of a preferred design alternative. Once a preferred alternative has been identified, the selected consultant will determine capital improvements needed, develop a financial plan, and identify recommended land use changes. Public participation, stakeholder input, and community feedback will be solicited throughout the planning process. To ensure information is current and readily accessible, an interactive project information web site will be maintained and updated regularly throughout the project. Planning services scope includes a design charrette to soliciting public engagement in the design process. All project tasks must be completed by September 30th, 2020.

B. Scope of Services

The anticipated consulting scope of work for this RFQ includes the following tasks and deliverables:

Development of Interactive Project Website

· Description: This task includes the development of an interactive website for the project, and will include a mechanism for members of the public to submit comments about the project. It is envisioned that this task will be completed by a web design sub consultant. Deliverables: Project website.

Key Stakeholder Interviews

· Description: This task includes conducting interviews and/or focus groups of key stakeholders from different sectors about the project study area, existing conditions, ideas for transit-oriented development implementation, and potential barriers to implementation. Deliverables: Technical memorandum summarizing stakeholder interviews.

Organization and Facilitation of Design Charrette

· Description: This task includes the organization and facilitation of a one-day design charrette to engage the public and hear feedback on design ideas for the TOD study area. Deliverables: Technical memorandum summarizing the charrette.

Public Meetings to Solicit Feedback on Draft TOD Plan

· Description: This task includes up to four public meetings with municipal boards and interested community organizations to review and solicit feedback on the draft TOD plan for the study area. Deliverables: Meeting summaries.

Public Meetings to Solicit Feedback on Final TOD Plan

· Description: This task includes up to four public meetings with municipal boards and interested community organizations to review and discuss the final TOD plan for the study area. Deliverables: Meeting summaries.

Development of Existing Conditions Profile

· Description: This task includes the development of an Existing Conditions Profile for the TOD study area, including current land uses, traffic patterns, and other topical considerations. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing existing conditions.

Evaluation of Existing and Potential Future Transit Services

· Description: This task includes the analysis of existing and potential future transit services/expansions in the study area (e.g. local transit, intercity transit, and rail) that can catalyze transit-oriented development. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing existing and potential future transit services.

Evaluation of Existing and Potential Future Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructure

· Description: This task includes the analysis of existing and potential bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure in the study area to ensure that the TOD plan considers all feasible forms of multi-modal transportation. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing existing and potential future bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure.

Evaluation of Environmental and Historic Resource Constraints

· Description: This task includes the analysis of potential environmental and historic resource constraints in the study area that may act as a barrier to TOD including, but not limited to, shoreland protection, brownfields, and designated historic resources. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing environmental and historic resource constraints.

Development of Design and Land Use Scenarios for the TOD Study Area

· Description: This task includes the development of urban design and land use scenarios for the TOD study area based on the public/stakeholder feedback. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing urban design concepts and land use plan scenarios.

Development of Traffic, Parking, and Internal Circulation Scenarios for the TOD Study Area

· Description: This task includes the development of traffic operations, parking, and internal circulation scenarios for the TOD study area based on the public/stakeholder feedback.  Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing traffic operations, parking, and internal circulation scenarios.

Identification of the Preferred Alternative for the TOD Study Area

· Description: This task includes the selection of the preferred urban design, land use, traffic, parking, and internal circulation scenarios. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing the selection of preferred alternative.

Determination of Capital Improvements Necessary to Implement the TOD

· Description: This task includes the identification of capital improvements that would be necessary to implement the preferred alternative identified. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing necessary capital improvements and costs.

Development of Financial Plan for Implementation

· Description: This task includes the development of a financial plan for implementing the preferred alternative for the TOD study area, which will consider the costs of necessary capital improvements and identify potential revenue sources including public-private partnerships. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing the financial plan.

Identification of Recommended Municipal Land Use Changes

· Description: This task includes auditing the City of Manchester’s land use regulations for the study area (e.g. zoning and site plan regulations) in the context of the preferred alternative for TOD implementation, and identifying any/recommending necessary changes to accommodate TOD implementation. Deliverables: Technical memorandum detailing recommended municipal land use changes to the TOD study area.

Publication of Draft TOD Plan for the Study Area

· Description: This task includes the compilation of the results from all previous tasks into a draft TOD plan for the study area. Deliverables: Draft TOD plan.

Revisions to Draft TOD Plan

· Description: This task includes any revisions to the draft TOD plan resulting from the public/stakeholder engagement. Deliverables: Technical memorandum summarizing proposed revisions to the draft TOD plan.

Completion and Publication of the TOD Plan for the Study Area

· Description: This task includes the finalization of the TOD plan for the study area. Deliverables: Final TOD plan for the study area.

Coordination of Project Closeout

· Description: This task includes coordinating project closeout activities with the NHDOT Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance. Deliverables: Project closeout documentation.

C. Statement of Qualifications Requirements

A firm, partnership, or individual interested in providing planning services to SNHPC must provide a Statement of Qualifications that includes the following:

  • Name of the consulting firm, and project partners with a brief history and description;
  • Name, title, and professional and educational qualifications, including appropriate state licenses and affiliations, of key personnel assigned to this project;
  • Executive Summary demonstrating understanding of the request, outlining:
  • Approach to planning, design, and implementation of the planning projects;
  • Description of budgeting, cost and quality control procedures;
  • Documentation of expertise in local TOD planning/urban planning;
  • Documentation of experience working with federal transportation funds;
  • Documentation that the firm, partnership, or individual  has the staffing capacity necessary to perform the work in an adequate and appropriate timeframe;
  • Description of the firm, partnership, or individual ‘s three most current related projects with an outline of the level of involvement; and
  • List of at least three professional references, including name, title, contact information, and description of product provided (if clients) or relationship (if colleagues).
  • A limited inclusion of additional information not covered above to a total of two pages.

D. Review and Evaluation Process:

The submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of SNHPC staff and City of Manchester staff, community leaders, and stakeholders within the project area. An in‐person interview will be requested for the shortlisted firms. Once interviews are complete, the selection committee will evaluate each firm based on their submitted qualifications as follows:

  • Qualifications and experience of the personnel assigned to the project (15%);
  • Professional competence as evidenced by the firm and or partnership’s three most relevant projects and three most relevant references (15%);
  • Firm’s approach to transit planning and management, community engagement and approach to analysis of project feasibility and project implementation. (20%);
  • Experience and approach to TOD planning, urban planning, local street design, and neighborhood scale land development scenario planning (20%);
  • Demonstration that the firm, partnership, or individual has the staffing capacity to perform the each of the tasks identified within the scope of services (15%); and
  • Demonstration that the firm, partnership, or individual understands the scope of services through the brevity, clarity, completeness, and conciseness of the Statement of Qualifications submitted to SNHPC (15%).

E. Submission Process:

Questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to James Vayo, AICP at  Questions about this RFQ must be submitted by Friday, February 8th, 2019 at 4:30 PM.

Statements of Qualification may be submitted electronically to James Vayo, AICP at Hard copies of the submission are not required.

Responses to all questions received regarding this RFQ will be posted on the SNHPC website ( by 4:30 PM on Thursday, February 14th, 2019.

All statements of qualifications must be received by SNHPC no later than 4:30 PM on Friday, February 22nd, 2019. Materials received after this time will not be accepted or reviewed.

The expense of preparing and submitting a statement of qualifications is the sole responsibility of the consultant. The SNHPC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this Request for Qualifications. This solicitation in no way obligates the SNHPC to award a contract.

The SNHPC will afford firms, partnerships, or individual’s full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in consideration of this award.

Request Type
Friday, February 22, 2019

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