Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan

Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)

Aquinnah, MA


Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan Consultant


Durwood Vanderhoop, Grantsman/Planner


The Wampanoag Tribe is seeking a consultant to complete a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan (the Project). This work will build off of previous plans, including the previous CEDS plan, Long Range Transportation Plan, and Land Use Master Plan. Input will be sought from the Tribe's stakeholders, including the government, partner organizations, business owners, and citizenry.

The Tribe practices Indian Preference in the review and awarding of contracts.


  • Review previous land, resource, transportation & economic development-related plans
  • Engage the Wampanoag community in developing a vision of the Tribe's economic future. Conduct public meetings, interviews, & surveys, as needed, to gather input & data to ensure that plan recommendations match community needs;
  • Explore and analyze the Tribe's trust and fee lands & resources. Identify infrastructure deficiencies and determine options to better utilize existing infrastructure;
  • Identify various elements of the Tribe's lands and surrounding parcels, including: transportation infrastructure (roads, trails, ancient ways, signage, parking, etc.); civic infrastructure; important natural, harvesting and communal resources; and land acquisition targets to meet development needs;
  • Identify defining characteristics of the Tribe's cultural heritage and integrate its norms and values into all aspects of the plan ;
  • Draft a plan that meets all requirements of an Economic Development Administration approved & funded CEDS, including:
    • Summary Background: A summary background of the economic development conditions of the region.
    • SWOT Analysis: An in-depth analysis of regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
    • Strategic Direction/Action Plan: Strategic direction and an action plan (flowing from the SWOT analysis), both of which should be consistent with other relevant state/regional/local plans.
      • Strategic Direction: Vision Statement and Goals/Objectives
      • Action Plan: Implementation
    • Evaluation Framework: Performance measures used to evaluate the organization's implementation of the CEDS and its impact on the regional economy.
    • Economic Resilience:
      • Planning for and Implementing Resilience
      • Establishing Information Networks
      • Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning
      • Measuring Resilience
    • Suggested sections and attributes that may be added, highlighted or specified in the CEDS include:
      • Community Capital Overview or Asset Mapping – Highlight specific community and regional assets that may promote economic development or provide opportunities.
      • Economic Clusters – Highlight the common themes of industry in the region within reach of the Tribe's capacity. Identifying the regional economic clusters may provide insight to how the Tribe may position itself to capture economic opportunities and develop an operation that can support supply chains in the identified industries.
      • Community and Private Sector Participation and Partnerships – This should not simply be a listing of all strategic alliance partnerships. It should demonstrate how WTGH is realistically and currently working with its partnerships and stakeholders to achieve its mission of economic development and Nation rebuilding.


Type: Qualifications

Label Bids: "ATTN: CEDS RFQ #PLN2019-01"

Submit by: postal or hand delivery to: Planning Department, 20 Black Brook Road, Aquinnah, MA 02535; or email to:

Bids Due: 5pm on Monday, February 20, 2019

Required documents:

  • Letters, work samples, and other information that addresses how the firm meets the Evaluation Criteria (below)


The criteria used to evaluate RFQ responses will include, but may not be limited to, the following (items are not listed in order of importance):

  • Qualifications of Firm - Qualifications of firm, specifically as they relate to the Project;
  • Firm's Experience on Similar Projects - Related project experience of the firm(s) and the individuals who would be assigned to the Project;
  • Available Resources to Complete Project - This criterion would include the analytical, design tools, personnel, resources or methodologies commonly used by the firm that may be applicable to the project scope of work;
  • Responsiveness to the RFQ - This would include any documents submitted such as concept plans, space planning and design concepts, and other related items;
  • Professional References - Provide names and contact information for professional references;
  • Evidence of Tribal status - firm should identify ownership status and/or that of any potential subcontractors, if applicable


The Wampanoag Planning Department intends to evaluate the proposals and invite one or more firms to be interviewed and/or to submit additional information before making a final selection for the project. The Department will notify selected firms of the date and times of any interview. The Department reserves the right to make a selection based solely on statements of qualifications received.

The selected respondent whose selection was based on qualifications will then negotiate with the Wampanoag Planning Department on fee and contract conditions. If a reasonable fee cannot be achieved with the respondent of choice, negotiations will proceed with other qualified respondents until a mutually agreed contract can be negotiated.


Start ASAP and complete all aspects of project by July 2019.


Requests for additional information may be made to the Wampanoag Planning Department at 508-645-9265 x160 or by email to:

Request Type
Wednesday, February 20, 2019