Air Quality Modeling and Conformity Analysis, Travel Demand Modeling and Land Use Modeling

Shelby County Government Division of Planning & Development (Memphis MPO)

Memphis, TN

Shelby County Government, is soliciting proposals from interested and qualified Vendors to provide professional services to conduct ongoing technical analyses related to the MPO's Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) along with update and maintenance of Regional Travel Demand Model. These analyses will include air quality modeling and conformity analysis using U.S. EPA's latest MOVES software, preparation of air quality conformity reports, Travel demand model development, and model application using the MPO's regional travel demand model and assisting the MPO's in analyzing land use scenario model using the Community Viz software. This Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") is being released to invite interested and qualified Vendors to prepare and submit responses in accordance with instructions provided where the successful respondent(s) will be selected and invited to enter into a contractual relationship with Shelby County for the Goods and/or Services outlined in this RFQ, and per response(s) received.

Information regarding this formal bid is located on the County's website at At the top of the home page, click on the dropdown box under "Business", click on "Purchasing" and "Bids" to locate the name of the above-described formal bid. Link:

Request Type
Thursday, March 28, 2019