Annexation and Services Study

City of Manhattan

Manhattan, KS


The City of Manhattan has expended significant funds on infrastructure improvements in the Urban Service Area along the US 24 Corridor and in the Blue Township Urban Growth Area, with the expectation that it will help address some of the City's future growth needs identified in the Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, and is in a location that is compatible with the recommendations of the Fort Riley/Flint Hills Joint Land Use Study. The Governance Study that Pottawatomie County recently conducted for portions of Blue Township identified several options for consideration, including annexation by Manhattan. Therefore, the City desires to develop a more comprehensive analysis of the issues and costs of providing broader municipal level services to this area, to gain a better understanding of the issues and true costs of potential annexation, which has also been a goal of the City Commission.

The overall objective of the annexation study is to determine the feasibility, and costs and benefits of annexing portions of the study area, and to develop a template for use in the study and evaluation of potential future annexation areas. The analysis and study will also be guided by the growth and annexation policies identified in the adopted Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive Plan, and will serve as a framework to assist the City Commission in evaluating potential annexations.

The annexation study will evaluate short and long-term community impacts in the study area and identify and/or provide the following information:

  1. Statistical data
  2. Maps
  3. Existing public services, level of service, and cost
  4. Crime statistics, and policing costs
  5. Fire infrastructure data and Fire/EMS call statistics
  6. Roadway condition analysis
  7. Traffic management deficiencies
  8. Capital improvement requirements
  9. Private Utility assessment
  10. Water, wastewater, and storm water system assessment
  11. Current property valuations and projected property tax revenue
  12. In-City vs. County Sales tax rates
  13. In-City vs. County Property and flood insurance rates
  14. Residential and nonresidential existing building conditions
  15. General Environmental assessment
  16. Assessment of development constraints including flood hazards
  17. Urban service needs
  18. Urban Service requirement costs
  19. Estimated utility and other revenues
  20. Social and economic characteristics
  21. Impact on existing inter-local agreements including Riley County Police Dept., Urban Area Planning Board
  22. Special issues, if any
  23. Amount of bonded indebtedness to be assumed by the annexation area

In addition, the study must also provide analysis and evaluation of the study area based on the following criteria:

  1. The ability of the City to provide public services at a level equal to or better than that available from the current service providers within the study area;
  2. The ability of the City to provide public services at the City's current levels of service;
  3. Whether annexation will cause a financial burden or a reduction in level of service to the existing City and/or existing City residents;
  4. Whether potential annexation(s) would eliminate noncontiguous development patterns and/or patchwork annexation patterns, resulting in more efficient provision of public services;
  5. Whether potential annexation(s) would follow logical boundaries, such as streets, subdivisions, waterways, section lines, or substantial topographic features;
  6. Whether potential annexation(s) would eliminate an irregularity or irregularities in the City's boundaries, thereby improving service delivery;
  7. The relative costs and affordability of the City serving potential annexation areas, versus the revenue to be derived from such annexation;
  8. If the potential annexation(s) is consistent with the adopted Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive Plan;
  9. Comparative evaluation between the City's development standards and regulations, and Pottawatomie County's standards and regulations with regard to:
    • Floodplain development and risk reduction standards, post event elevation/substantial damage standards
    • Zoning and Subdivision development standards
    • Public Works Standard Specifications & Designs
  10. The capital cost and affordability to the City of making required infrastructure improvements and/or addressing infrastructure deficiencies; and
  11. Other relevant factors regarding challenges and suitability for annexation of particular areas.


The annexation study area consists of the Blue Township 2007 Sewer Service Area (as shown on Exhibit A). The abbreviated Scope of Work is as follows:

Phase 1. Annexation Analysis of Study Area

  1. Coordinate information, data collection, and input from applicable City and County Departments, and existing public and private service providers.
  2. Review and evaluate the annexation study area based on the above criteria and the applicable policies of the Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive Plan.
  3. Develop applicable maps, graphs, spreadsheets, analysis, and illustrations.
  4. Develop a cost-benefit analysis of potential annexation of recommended portions of the study area.
  5. Prepare a draft report, including analysis, illustrations and recommendations for any potential annexation(s) and/or annexation phasing.
  6. Prepare final report, including analysis, illustrations and recommendations for any potential annexation(s) and/or annexation phasing.
  7. Provide a template format for use in the study and evaluation of future annexation areas.
  8. Attend public meetings and hearings, and make presentations as needed.

A final Phase 1 Scope of Work will be developed and finalized as part of the contract negotiations. It is recognized that there might be some tasks in Phase 2 that are necessary to fully develop the Phase 1 report and recommendations.

Following completion of Phase 1 and consideration of resulting recommendations regarding potential annexation(s), the City will determine if it will proceed to Phase 2 and will finalize the extent of that scope of work through a contract amendment for Phase 2.

Phase 2. Extension of Municipal Services Plan

  1. Prepare legal descriptions and exhibit maps depicting the parcels/tracts being considered for potential annexation.
  2. Prepare an Extension of Municipal Services Plan for potential unilateral annexations, which must be prepared in accordance with applicable State Statutes, K.S.A. 12-520b and with any other specific instructions that City Administration provides to address unique jurisdictional and service issues. The Plan will address: sanitary sewer, water, storm water, streets and multi-modal connectivity, fire protection, impacts and coordination issues involving expansion of RCPD services to the annexation area(s), and EMS; the costs for providing these services; estimated cost impacts to residents of the City and residents of the areas being considered for annexation; the financing method(s) the City plans to use for extension of such services; and, the timetable for extension of each service. The Plan will address the means by which services currently provided by a township or special district in the Plan area shall be maintained by the City at a level equal to or better than the level provided prior to annexation. The Plan shall identify services that will be provided immediately upon annexation and those services which may be provided upon petition of the landowners to create a benefit District.
  3. Review Manhattan's existing water and waste water cost-share and extension of service policies and provide recommended revisions to address unique needs along the US 24 Service Corridor.
  4. Attend public meetings and hearings, and make presentations as needed.


The City Commission has authorized City Administration to solicit qualifications statements for professional services for this project. The anticipated schedule is as follows:

  • May 10, 2019 — RFP Issued
  • June 14, 2019 — Proposals due
  • Week of June 17 — Selection Committee evaluation and selection of finalists
  • Week of June 24 — Interviews of Finalists (tentative)
  • July 16, 2019 — City Commission authorizes negotiation with selected Firm
  • August 20, 2019 — City Commission approves Contract
  • August 23, 2019 — Project kickoff meeting with City Administration
  • November, 2019 — Complete Phase 1 and Phase 1 deliverables
  • Target date for completion of Phase 2 and Phase 2 deliverables will negotiated following the outcomes of Phase 1.


Request Type
Friday, June 14, 2019

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