Downtown Transit Circulator Study

City of Rochester

Rochester, MN

The City of Rochester is seeking a comprehensive assessment and analysis of economic development opportunity, transit-supportive land use possibilities, public realm improvement options and infrastructure that will enhance access and ridership on a planned Rochester Downtown Transit Circulator (the "Circulator"). The Circulator is a proposed 3.5-mile fixed-guideway transit project serving the core employment and business area of downtown Rochester along with major public buildings such as the Mayo Civic Center (Rochester's primary convention and event facility) and adjacent downtown neighborhoods.

The purpose of this opportunity is to develop a plan and related set of implementation strategies and performance measures that will expand the ability of the Circulator to meet a larger share of the downtown-focused goals. Such goals include, but are not limited to, enhancing economic development, encouraging mixed-use developments along the corridor and improving bicycle and pedestrian connections in downtown.

The complete request for proposals (RFP)can be found at the City's website at:

Request Type
Monday, July 29, 2019