Vision 2040 Masterplan

City Of Lee's Summit

Lee's Summit, MO




The City of Lee's Summit is seeking proposals from qualified firms/providers to create an interactive, user friendly, graphic-rich, web based Masterplan. The Masterplan shall incorporate land use planning, design guidelines, fiscal impact modeling, infrastructure analysis, other City master plans and market analysis. The selected consultant will utilize the recent Lee's Summit Ignite Strategic Plan to further engage key stakeholders and the community in a participatory process incorporating the community's vision for the development and redevelopment of the City with a timeframe projected through the year 2040. In addition, the City will be coordinating with Property Reserve Inc., a landowner with 4,200 acres being studied for development. The Plan will address existing conditions, future visioning for potential growth/annexation, infill and redevelopment opportunities, preservation of open space for parks purposes, and updating and incorporating the Downtown Master Plan into the Long Range Master Development Plan. The consultant will identify opportunity areas for additional study. The Masterplan will be adopted by the Planning Commission in order to provide direction to City officials, staff, residents and the development community in the implementation of the community's desired vision.

The Masterplan will incorporate the long-range development plans and infrastructure needs of the various departments of the City along with reaching the required elements of a Comprehensive Plan identified in the "Scope of Services". In referencing the department needs and goals, each department's strategic or master plan shall be considered and included within the parts of the Plan related to the various departments and included in the implementation plan. The Masterplan should provide a framework for the City to be adaptable to disruptive technologies.

Community Profile

The City of Lee's Summit is an incorporated Missouri municipality located in the Kansas City Metropolitan area comprising 65.87 square miles and serving a population of 98,469 based on the Lee's Summit 2018 Annual Development Report.

The Masterplan will serve as a basis for the establishment of future development and redevelopment policies and priorities for coordinated development/redevelopment, as well as potential future infrastructure expansion. It will incorporate the community's long term vision, goals and objectives, with maps and graphics that will serve as a foundation for future land use, public infrastructure and community development decisions. The Masterplan will provide strategies to encourage economic development, quality residential growth, and general improvements for the protection of the quality of life for the City's residents and businesses. It will also serve as a useful tool for our citizens and businesses.

The City of Lee's Summit's Development Services Director will serve as the City's Project Manager and primary liaison to the successful firm.

1.1 Description of Operations or Background:

A. Background:

The City's Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2005 and City is seeking qualified professionals to assist with the creation of a new Masterplan as outlined below.

B. Interactive Masterplan Objectives.

  1. Facilitate public information and data collection meetings
  2. Address primary elements of a Masterplan identified in the Scope of Services
  3. Create an interactive web-based Masterplan easily navigable by the public

C. Description of Operations.

The selected consultant will develop an interactive, web-based Masterplan, including maps and text, by gathering background data, reviewing existing city plans and other relevant documents, analyzing current conditions of the area, devising implementation strategies for sustainable growth, access management, citizen feedback and land use planning. The consultant will provide a market analysis of uses that provide economic vitality while preserving the community's unique character and protecting the existing economic base. The analysis shall also include potential infill sites with recommended development at appropriate densities. The selected consultant will initiate and establish a public outreach program to the community and facilitate stakeholder meetings.

D. Project Area.

The physical scope of the Masterplan will be incorporated areas of the City and annexation areas with potential for development within the Masterplan's horizon.


The selected consultant shall be required to perform the following tasks as listed in this Section 2: Scope of Services, but not necessarily in that order, and provide a completed project.

Task I Phasing Meeting

Project manager and consultant team will develop a project phasing plan based upon tasks II through VIII below. The organization of the phasing plan shall be decomposable to work packages and activities to accomplish these tasks. These work packages shall be adaptable for structuring into timeframes and scheduling.

Task II Information Gathering & Existing Plans Review

The consultant will be required to gather, review, analyze and compile the following information:

A. Existing Plans/Maps.

The consultant shall gather and review the city's existing plans/maps including the Comprehensive Zoning Map, Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, potential annexation areas, Greenway/Trails Master Plan, Parks Master Plan, Sewer Master Plan, Water Utilities Master Plans, Thoroughfare Master Plan 2015-2040, Capital Improvements Plan and other department master plans, Historic Preservation Plan, Envision LS Master Development Plan, Community for All Ages M-150 Corridor Sustainable Corridor Vision and Framework Plan , Fire Department Strategic Plan, Fire Department Community Risk Standards of Cover, Police Department Strategic Plan, Police Department Blue Print for the Future, Water District #13 Master Plan, Little Big Creek Sewer District and Middle Big Creek Sewer District Plans, Fiber Build-Out Plan, Greenway/Trails Regional Plans, County Land Use Plans, and other Regional Plans as requested;

B. Current Land Use.

The consultant shall gather current land use data and compile the data in both table and map format;

C. Current Demographics.

The consultant shall collect and analyze basic population, household and housing statistics in coordination with City staff;

D. Other Information.

The consultant will be required to gather other relevant information as it relates to the market demand analysis, redevelopment strategies, preservation and retention of residential areas, redevelopment of certain properties, development of infill sites in and around downtown, and protection of natural features and environment.

Task III Public Meetings

The selected consultant will develop a Public Engagement Strategy. The consultant will be responsible for facilitating meetings. The City will be responsible for providing meeting space and staff support. The timing of each meeting will be determined based upon the phasing schedule.

Task IV Masterplan Preparation

At a minimum, the Masterplan shall include the following elements:

  1. Vision Statement from "Lee's Summit Ignite Strategic Plan"
  2. History- Focusing on the history of development, growth, geography and the built environment
  3. Existing Conditions
  4. Review, update and integration of relevant City plans
  5. Demographics and Projections
  6. Housing Strategies
  7. Design Guidelines
  8. Transportation
    1. Public transit
    2. Multi-modal transportation systems
    3. Introduction into and projected impacts of Autonomous Vehicles (AV's)
    4. Ride sharing technologies
  9. Public Infrastructure
  10. Public Facilities
  11. Public Safety Sustainability and overall environmental conditions
  12. Emergency Preparedness and Resiliency
  13. Market Analysis:
    1. Conduct analysis of market opportunities
    2. Identify initiatives to maximize development potential
    3. Designate redevelopment areas
  14. Economic Development Strategies and Opportunities
    1. Conduct regional market analysis
    2. Identify infill opportunities in and around the Central Business District for the short-term, mid-term and long-term enrichment of the community
    3. Identify a series of specific area plans
    4. Recommend infill housing strategies as it relates to the Central Business District and Old Lee's Summit Planning Area
    5. Provide implementation strategies for redevelopment areas
  15. Updates to the Downtown Masterplan and incorporation into the Masterplan
  16. Proposed Implementation Strategies
  17. Future Land Use Map (with infrastructure overlays)
  18. Fiscal Impact Model- The model should project the effect of growth on the City's:
    1. Infrastructure
    2. Cost
    3. Revenue
    4. Facilities
    5. Staffing
    6. Levels of service

Task V. Draft Masterplan Presentation to joint meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council

The consultant shall present the draft Masterplan to joint meetings of the Planning Commission and City Council for comments. Comments shall be reflected in the final draft for public hearing.

Task VI. Masterplan Adoption Presentation to the Planning Commission

The consultant shall present the completed Masterplan report to the Planning Commission for public hearing and adoption.

Task VII. Masterplan Product Delivery

The consultant will be required to deliver the following Plan products at various stages of the project:

  1. Web based version for review and testing
  2. One digital file of the Masterplan draft with all the inserts for review;
  3. One (1) digital file of the final Masterplan;
  4. One (1) set of Masterplan maps in digital format that is compatible with the City's GIS and map layers shall be ortho-corrected and geo-referenced to the state plane coordinate system.

The Masterplan shall be presented in a format and language that is user-friendly and easily comprehended and accessible to the general public. The consultant should make an effort to minimize the use of technical planning language. The extensive use of maps, graphics and other devices that will enhance the readability and ease-of-use of the Masterplan is required. At the completion of the process, the consultant shall provide a complete Masterplan with all maps, graphs and tables.


City staff will provide available existing documentation, digital data, plans and maps to the consultant and will make staff available on an as needed basis. City Staff will schedule, coordinate and arrange meeting space for all required meetings conducted by the consultant during the course of this project.


4.1 Timeline for project: 24 months from the date of consultant approval but may be negotiated during scoping.


Electronically Submitted Statement of Qualifications Due: August 26, 2019 3:00 PM Local Time

Selection Committee Meeting: week of September 3, 2019

Firms Notified for Oral Interview: week of September 3, 2019

Interviews 50 minutes each (if necessary): week of September 9, 2019


For questions regarding this project, please contact:

Josh Johnson, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Development Services
City of Lee's Summit
220 S.E. Green Street
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Phone: (816) 969-1208

Request Type
Monday, August 26, 2019