Vision 2035 Comprehensive Plan Update

Columbia County

Evans, GA

Columbia County, Georgia, one of the fastest growing counties in the United States, is issuing a Request for Proposals to qualified firms for consulting services for the five-year update to the Vision 2035 Comprehensive Plan. As a rapidly growing county, Vision 2035 has been used extensively to help to guide that growth. However, the update is needed to help to further guide anticipated future growth and address future goals. To that end, Columbia County anticipates the update to focus on future land use and development, an assessment of the community vision, and an update to the implementation program. Due to the narrow focus, public engagement and involvement is paramount to the success of the update and qualified firms are encouraged to focus on this aspect.

The update shall follow all Minimum Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning as outlined in OCGA 110-12-1.

To view the RFP please follow this link.

To obtain the complete RFP package please follow this link.

All submittals are required to be electronic via Bonfire. Please contact Chris Landers ( in writing via email or through Bonfire with any clarifications or questions.

Request Type
Friday, December 6, 2019