Site Master Plan

Central Terminal Restoration Corporation

Buffalo, NY

The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC), a 501c3 agency acting as steward of the Buffalo Central Terminal complex (hereinafter "Central Terminal"), seeks a qualified planning/architecture firm (hereinafter "the Consultant") to assist in the formulation of a site master plan to guide the redevelopment and reuse of the historic Central Terminal property at 495 Paderewski Drive, Buffalo, New York; a neighborhood plan to identify measures for potential physical, visual, organizational, and/or institutional connections between the Central Terminal's features/uses and the nearby Broadway Fillmore business district, the Broadway Market (a neighborhood anchor which is also undergoing planning and capital improvements) and other neighborhood institutions to help shape broader revitalization efforts and attract private investment and visitors to the area; and preparation of a development & financing structure to provide the framework for the CTRC to solicit and evaluate developer proposals and financing.

Please view the RPF at the following link:

Request Type
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

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