Shoreline Master Program Update

City of Port Angeles

Port Angeles, WA


Periodic Update of The City of Port Angeles's Shoreline Master Program

Proposals to be delivered electronically to

Attn: Emma Bolin, Community Development Manager

Deadline: Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Notice is hereby given that the City of Port Angeles, Washington is seeking submittal of proposals from service providers qualified to provide consulting and research services in preparing an update to the City's Shoreline Master Program including critical area regulations and flood damage prevention (if necessary).


In 2014, the City completed and the Department of Ecology approved the City's Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The City is now preparing for the State required periodic review of the SMP due on or before June 30, 2020. The Department of Ecology has granted an extension until June 30, 2021, however the City hopes to have it completed prior to the extended deadline.

City staff is aware of readability, formatting, gaps, and organizational issues with the current SMP that we would like to address with this periodic update to make the document more readable and useable for applicants and code administration.

The City's Shoreline Master Program can be found on the City's website ( A map depicting the Shoreline Environmental Designations can be found on page 149. Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code details adoption of RCW 90.58.020. Chapter 15.20 and 15.24 detail the Critical Area regulations required by GMA.

Scope of Work

The consultant will work with City staff as well as local, State and Federal agencies to prepare background information, review recommendations, and prepare the environmental review, necessary amendments to the SMP, as well as amendments to the associated Critical Area Regulations as needed, and other associated development regulations that reference or regulate the City's shoreline jurisdictions for presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Public participation shall be incorporated as necessary throughout the SMP process. The City of Port Angeles will use the joint review process for amending the SMP as allowed for under WAC 173- 26-104.


  • Assist staff throughout the process to coordinate and consult with Ecology to provide them opportunities to review draft deliverables and provide comments.
  • Assist staff to prepare a Public Participation Plan that encourages public involvement in the SMP periodic review consistent with WAC 173-26-090 throughout the course of the SMP periodic review process.
  • Work with staff to prepare outreach and informational documents with graphics as needed, public notices that inform the public of the periodic review of the SMP, and seek their input and involvement, including coordination of notice for the public hearing and comment period with Ecology pursuant to WAC 173-26-104.
  • Consult with and solicit the comments of any persons, groups, federal, state, regional, or local agency, and tribes, having interests or responsibilities relating to the City's shorelines or any special expertise with respect to any environmental impact to the City's shoreline jurisdiction.
  • Review the City's SMP, chapter 90.58 RCW, and Ecology's rules and determine if amendments are needed to the City's SMP to maintain compliance. Staff has reviewed and completed Ecology's checklist to assist in this review and documents SMP changes that need to be made to address new statutory or regulatory changes. There are a couple of areas where the consultant will work with staff to confirm what amendments are necessary.
  • Determine if any new information or improved data is available since the last update of the SMP in 2014 and add as necessary.
  • Staff has noted specific areas within the SMP where improvement and clarification of the regulations would be beneficial.
  • Review the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations {PAMC Title 11, 14, 16, and 17) to determine if they are consistent with the SMP and if any amendments are necessary to City Code and the Comprehensive Plan. Provide a consistency analysis to support any recommended changes to the SMP or the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
  • Review the critical area and flood damage prevention regulations for consistency with GMA critical area regulations and flood damage prevention regulations. The anticipated outcome of this task is a gap analysis.
  • Evaluate shoreline permits issued since 2014 and relate to the City's cumulative impacts analysis and monitoring program to determine if any amendments are warranted.
  • Draft proposed amendments to the SMP, critical area regulations, and flood damage prevention regulations. Amendments to the SMP should incorporate corrections to typos and reorganization to make it easier to navigate and apply. Ideally, the SMP update will include the codification of the SMP regulations into the Port Angeles Municipal Code along with necessary goals, policies, and background information of the SMP.
  • SEPA review and documentation of the proposed amendments. Prepare the SEPA Checklist and Threshold Determination.
  • Technical and scientific support in communications with Ecology and other State agencies.
  • Technical and scientific support during Planning Commission and City Council deliberations.
  • Prepare a summary responding to comments received during the public comment period, at any public meeting/open house, the Planning Commission hearing, and any City Council hearings, prior to Council adoption of the draft SMP and develop strategies and recommendations for code amendments as applicable.
  • Ensure the final product of the SMP coordinates with the City's municipal code update effort. City desires the SMP to blend seamlessly in the municipal code rather than be a stand-alone document.

Submittal of Proposals and Budgets

Consultants should submit an electronic copy of their proposal by 5:00 PM by Tuesday, March 31st, 2020, to the City of Port Angeles. The consultant is solely responsible for ensuring that proposals are delivered on time via email, mail, courier, or in person. Proposals received after the due date and time may not be accepted and may be discarded. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Each proposal must be limited to 20 megabytes or fifteen (15) one-sided pages and shall include:

  1. Names of project team members, their related experience specific to Washington State GMA, Shoreline Management Act, Shoreline Master Program Guidelines, and understanding of the City's SMP, Comprehensive Plan, critical area and flood damage prevention regulations and their expected roles in this project. List the anticipated percentage of time the project manager will have available for this project. Please identify the portions of the project anticipated to be performed by sub-consultants and who they are.
  2. Three references from jurisdictions with similar projects performed by the firm/team under a similar scope of work and budget.
  3. Proposed approach and methodology to the scope of work, a suggested work program outline, time schedule, deliverables and budget for all phases and broken down by Task in the Department of Ecology Periodic Review Scope of Work. Insights or suggestions from the consultant team on the structure or strategy for the periodic update of the SMP are welcome.
  4. All deliverables and actions called for or proposed with deliverables, corresponding at a minimum, to the scope of work outlined above, with a breakdown of estimated hours and assigned personnel in each work task and phase, and costs associated with each task.
  5. A description of quality control process and review to assure adequate level of service, cohesive work documents, and successful project completion and management.

Terms and Conditions

Not all Consultants may be interviewed. The Consultant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information supplied. The City reserves the right to reject any or all submissions, to issue an agreement for the intended scope of services, to waive minor irregularities, to issue additional requests for qualifications, and to substantially modify or abandon the selection process prior to any award of contract.

Upon receipt by the City of a document responsive to this RFQ said document becomes a "public record" as that term is defined in Ch. 42.56, the Public Records Act, and, unless a specific exemption applies to a specific portion or section of text in that document, the City will release the RFQ response document to a person or entity who makes a request pursuant to the Public Records Act.

The contract resulting from accepting a Consultant for the scope of services shall be in a form supplied by the City. The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by Consultants in preparing, submitting, or presenting the response to this RFQ.

The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority Consultants are encouraged to apply.


The City of Port Angeles has earmarked $16,800 from Ecology for the purpose of this update and does not have other funding budgeted for the effort. The final dollar amount, tasks, and schedule will be negotiated with the selected firm/team as part of the final contract for this periodic update. If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm selected, negotiation with that firm will terminate and the City may select another firm.

The consultant team's proposed budget total should include all expenses and materials to deliver the work products. The City of Port Angeles will not be liable for any costs incurred by the consultant in preparation of a proposal submitted in response to this RFP, in conduct of a presentation or other

activities related to responding to this RFP. No costs chargeable for work under the proposed contract may be incurred before receipt of either a fully executed contract with the City or specific written authorization from the City of Port Angeles.

Consultant Selection

Proposals will be considered only from firms that can demonstrate having a broad background and extensive experience and capacity with planning and environmental review in Washington State, and which specifically address the following criteria:

  • Ability to demonstrate an understanding of the City's needs and special challenges for this periodic update of the SMP.
  • Degree of interest and responsiveness shown in undertaking the project.
  • Overall quality of the response including creativity of the written proposal describing the approach and methodologies the consultant will use. Demonstration of past ability of completing similar projects and meeting deadlines and within budget, including references.
  • Current workload of firm and key personnel.
  • Qualifications and experience of key staff and sub-consultants who will participate in the project on state and local planning issues and policies including but not limited to the Growth Management Act, Shoreline Management Act and Port Angeles's Comprehensive Plan, SMP, critical area regulations, and flood damage prevention regulations.

Interviews & Selection

Each complete proposal received prior to 5:00 PM on Friday, March 31st, 2020, will be reviewed by City staff and ranked against the other proposals based on the criteria listed above. Interviews may be completed prior to final selection.

Questions and Submittals

Questions concerning this RFP and the submittal of proposals should be directed to:

Emma Bolin, Community Development Manager

Request Type
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Contact Information

Contact Email