Development of Small Area Plans

City of Georgetown

Georgetown, TX

The City of Georgetown is seeking proposals for the development of two neighborhood plans in partnership with the historic Track Ridge Grasshopper (TRG) and San Jose neighborhoods. Residents of the TRG and San Jose neighborhoods have voiced their concerns over many years at City and Councilmember led community meetings. The Georgetown City Council voted on June 23, 2020, to develop neighborhood plans in partnership with the TRG and San Jose neighborhoods. Below are objectives each neighborhood is seeking through this process. Summary engagement reports from initial outreach efforts are attached. Additional information about the neighborhood plans is available at

1. San Jose Neighborhood

Issues, concerns and insights gained from engagement:

  • The traditional multi-generation households, which have created a strong sense of place and history are under pressure.
  • Proximity to Old Town and Downtown overlay districts is creating development pressure within the San Jose neighborhood.
  • Opportunity to improve access to information and city services.
  • Opportunity to promote the cultural and historical contributions of the neighborhood for the benefit of the entire Georgetown community.


  • Preserve and promote San Jose as a safe, quiet neighborhood with caring neighbors, through ` information sharing and intentional engagement
  • Celebrate San Jose as a place of culture and history
  • Support access to homes, San Jose Park and Annie Purl Elementary through improved traffic, parking and sidewalk solutions
  • Enable San Jose residents to stay in the neighborhood and promote compatible development and investments in rehabilitation and infrastructure

2. Track Ridge Grasshopper (TRG)

Issues, concerns and insights gained from engagement:

  • Rapid redevelopment/commercial encroachment of neighborhood during time it takes to develop a plan is a major concern of neighborhood leaders.
  • Proximity to Old Town and Downtown overlay districts is creating development pressure within the TRG neighborhood.
  • Many living in this neighborhood were born and raised and have raised their own families in this neighborhood since the 1870s.
  • The federal urban renewal effort created widespread demolition and relocation of the Ridge community starting in the late 1960s.
  • Commercial land uses along MLK Street, county and city government campuses, and the proximity to key community destinations (parks and downtown) have transitioned a single-family neighborhood into an area that is experiencing change.


  • Protect TRG long term residents by reducing and removing challenges to staying within the neighborhood
  • Identify and preserve the key character defining components of the neighborhood and ensuring compatible new development
  • Improve mobility including transportation and parking, sidewalks and streetlights
  • Maintain and promote TRG as a place of culture and history
  • Maintain and promote TRG as a safe place to live
  • Maintain public spaces and infrastructure

Request Type
Monday, November 16, 2020