Zoning Code Update

Village of Woodridge

Woodridge, IL


The Village of Woodridge ("Village") is seeking assistance from a qualified firm to update specific sections of the Village's Zoning Code and, as necessary for consistency with the Zoning Code, the Zoning Map and Subdivision Code. Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) of the Village's Code of Ordinances was enacted in 1976 and with the exception of occasional and sporadic amendments, has never been reviewed or amended comprehensively.

The update will include a general modernization of the Zoning Code to provide clarity, improve overall functionality and achieve greater sensitivity to the fabric and character of the Village. The update will focus on portions of the Zoning Code that are either deficient, outdated, overly complex, inconsistent with federal or state zoning laws, or that otherwise unnecessarily inhibit development. The update will include both major and minor editing of the existing code language as well as original authoring of new provisions.

The Village Board, Plan Commission, Village staff, residents, and the development community have expressed concerns and identified inadequacies with the current Code, including but not limited to;

  • Obsolete land use categories (e.g. 'furrier shops,' 'millinery stores,' 'sewing machine sales, services and repair – household machines only')
  • Permitted and special uses that either are undefined by the Code, or given multiple, conflicting definitions
  • Landscaping requirements that are often incompatible with the development of remaining vacant land within the Village, but provide no alternatives beyond the granting of relief.
  • Unique land use designation of Regional Planned Unit Developments (RPUDs).

The existing code is accessible via the Village's web site at: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/woodridgeil/latest/woodridge_il/0-0-0-1

The overarching goals for the update to the Zoning Code are as follows:

  • Creation of an easy to read Code for all users – residents, staff, developers, elected and appointed Village Officials. It is anticipated that the new Zoning Code will include easy-to-understand graphical depictions of requirements and regulations (e.g., definitions, sight distance triangles, signage allowances) that will assist in attracting and encouraging investment within Woodridge.
  • Creation of development standards that would facilitate and encourage redevelopment and business reinvestment within existing commercial corridors. The new Zoning Code should promote economic development through zoning for a mix of permitted and special uses that are fully modernized and clearly defined, while avoiding the creation of non-conformities for existing businesses.
  • Be Responsive! Learning from the weaknesses of the current Code, the new Zoning Code should be easy to modify to adapt to future development trends. It should also provide clear and fair tools to allow the Village effective management of future proposals to ensure development is in line with community needs and desires (i.e. specific policies regarding loading areas for warehousing developments should be codified).
  • Include provisions in the Code to implement the land use policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan, including the land use designations shown on the Future Land Use Map;
  • Modernize and establish efficient and flexible review and approval procedures throughout the Code; and
  • Creation of procedures for allowing alternative compliance to development standards to accommodate site context;

The Consultant team will work with Village staff and other stakeholders (including but not limited to; elected and appointed officials, residents, and business owners) to create an accessible Zoning Code that allows for the effective attraction and management of land uses and developments in line with contemporary development trends and consistent with current federal and state zoning laws.

The full description and requirements for this RFP can be found on the Village of Woodridge's website: https://www.woodridgeil.gov/my_government/finance/bids_purchasing.php

Request Type
Monday, March 1, 2021

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