Comprehensive Plan Update 2021

Town of Carbondale

Carbondale, CO

The Town is requesting proposals to lead the community in the preparation and adoption of an update to the 2013 Comprehensive Plan. The planning horizon will be 2030.

There have been a number of changes in Carbondale since the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2013.

A new development code and building codes were adopted. Carbondale was designated a Creative District and an Age-Friendly Community.

A number of policies and plans were done (or evolved) including the Regional Housing Study, single trash hauler program, the Water and Wastewater Plan, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, an update to the Carbondale Climate and Energy Action Plan, and the Carbondale Vulnerability, Consequences, and Adaption Planning Scenarios (VCAPS).

A number of significant developments have been constructed or are under construction.

However, some things haven't changed. Carbondale remains unique in its diversity, its compassion and generosity, the quirkiness, the artistic and intellectual creativity, the celebrations and gatherings, and desire to be good stewards of the land and environment. The community does not want to lose the qualities that prompted them to stay put or come here in the first place

So, the Town decided it was time to update the 2013 Comprehensive Plan and to check in with the community to see if the goals and strategies in the Comprehensive Plan still hold true.

Other items which have been targeted for more detailed analysis and evaluation include Downtown, Resiliency, Aging in Place, Multi-Modal, High Density Neighborhoods, update trends and projects, analyze adopted plans, update Comprehensive Plan maps, and update the Implementation Matrix and 2013 Future Land Use Map. Recommendations for appropriate changes to the development code are also required. There must be a robust public outreach program. Includes overall management of the Comprehensive Plan Update process.

Budget - $75,000.

To download the RFP, please visit:

Request Type
Thursday, March 4, 2021

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