Neighborhood Plan Development

City of Hartford

Hartford, CT

Neighborhood plans help residents and business owners identify community priorities, build consensus around long term vision, and ensure the consistency of community's goals with those of the city. This process ensures that growth and development occurs in the most efficient and effective manner; preserves those features which may have important environmental, social, or cultural significance; and acknowledges not only physical and economic factors, but social needs within the neighborhood. It involves collection of data, which may be useful for future funding opportunities and the development of implementation matrices that align with the City's Plan of Conservation and Development. Additionally, neighborhood planning assists the City in justifying large scale development projects and initiatives.

The City of Hartford Department of Development Services — Planning Division (the "City") proposes to complete a multi-year neighborhood planning process (the "project"). Should funding allow, it is the goal of the Department of Development Services — Planning Division, to develop 13 neighborhood plans over the course of a five-year period — FY22-FY26.

Through this process, the City and its consultant may offer technical assistance to Hartford's thirteen Neighborhood Revitalization Zones ("NRZ") in updating their strategic plans. NRZ strategic plans may be developed, at the NRZ's request, in the form of an addenda to the neighborhood plan. These addenda, should they be developed, will be adopted in accordance with the requirements of Connecticut State Statutes and City Municipal Code as applicable.

During the project ("Year 1"), the City intends on partnering with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Connecticut through an MOU. LISC will work with local Community Development Corporations (CDCs) -Sheldon Oak Central (SOC), Northside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (NINA), Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (SINA), and the Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford. This partnership will include LISC's full participation during the (1) neighborhood planning process including assistance with community engagement; (2) a strategic planning process for each CDC done parallel to, but separate from; (3) technical assistance for the development of strategic plans for the corresponding NRZ (as desired). LISC will organize convenings to attract and engage potential funders, who may assist in mobilizing projects identified in the plans.

The City proposes to engage a consultant or consultants for Year 1 in a community-based planning process for the development of four succinct, action-oriented neighborhood plan documents. In its partnership with LISC, the City's consultant(s) will focus on the development of plans for three neighborhoods: Northeast, Asylum Hill, and Frog Hollow. A consultant will also be engaged in the development of a plan for the Upper Albany neighborhood.

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Request Type
Thursday, May 6, 2021