2021–2040 Comprehensive Plan

City of North Liberty

North Liberty, IA

The City of North Liberty, Iowa, is soliciting qualified consulting firms to submit a proposal to prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the City. The first City Plan (comprehensive plan) was created in 1967, and the plan has been updated from time to time. The most recent Comprehensive Plan update was adopted in 2005; however, several micro updates have been implemented in that last decade. The City is seeking a new Comprehensive Plan which will serve as the principal planning document for the City' s future growth. The Land Use component of the plan should receive particular attention. The plan shall contain practical policies which will promote the physical development of the community in a coordinated, consistent manner and which will be embraced by community decision‐makers and subsequently adopted officially.

The project would include assembling and analyzing data regarding all of the existing conditions within the City of North Liberty and utilizing that data to develop policies, actions and an implementation plan to guide future development and decision making within the community with a horizon year of 2040.

It is expected that there will be visioning sessions with North Liberty City Council, Commission and Board members and administrative staff. Additionally, a broad-based plan for soliciting public input throughout the update process will be included. The City of North Liberty has a Communications Department to assist with messaging.

Recent plans have been adopted/utilized by the City of North Liberty and should be considered and/or incorporated as part of the Comprehensive Plan preparation. This review should include recognition of deficiencies of any current plan and identification of elements that should be incorporated into the new plan.

  1. North Liberty Community Identity Framework — 2020
  2. North Liberty Park Plan — 2016
  3. Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan Update — 2014
  4. Water System Facility Plan - 2010
  5. North Liberty Trails Plan — 2009
  6. Highway 965 Corridor Master Plan — 2008
  7. North Liberty Comprehensive Plan - 2005

These documents can be accessed here: https://northlibertyiowa.org/departments/planning-department/

Proposals must be provided digitally by 12:00 PM Central Time on 6/11/2021 to: rrusnak@northlibertyiowa.org. No hard copies will be accepted.

Access the full RFP here: https://northlibertyiowa.org/rfp/comprehensive-plan-2021-2040/

Request Type
Friday, June 11, 2021