Community Plan Update and Development Impact Fee Nexus Study

County of Monterey

Salinas, CA

CONTRACTOR shall analyze and revise the Castroville Community Plan (CP). CONTRACTOR to analyze the existing plan and provide recommendations to the County of specific elements requiring an update, specifically removing the coastal zone and updating commuter train station area. The plan update should only address property in the County covered by Title 21, the inland zoning ordinance, and the 2010 General Plan. Additionally, CONTRACTOR shall conduct community meetings, determine where rezoning would be appropriate (eg: Mixed-Use, High Density Residential, etc.), draft an updated plan, and perform California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis.

CONTRACTOR shall also perform analysis work on development impact fees. An update to the Community Plan and associated Development Impact Fees Nexus Study is required to align and update impact fees with current projects and to encourage affordable housing. Current fees were adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. A study will be required to propose an update.

Request Type
Friday, November 19, 2021