Interactive Housing Toolkit

State of New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs

Concord, NH

As part of the American Rescue Plan funded Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Program, the Office of Planning and Development at the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs ("the Agency") in partnership with the Regional Planning Commissions (RPC) is interested in seeking the assistance of a housing consultant to provide support in the development of an interactive housing toolkit for use by New Hampshire's communities based on national best practices. Specifically, the housing consultant would assist with the development of a methodology including steps necessary for the rollout and implementation of different tools in communities throughout the state.

The housing tools in this toolkit will be used to further develop housing strategies to meet the needs of New Hampshire's projected growing population, which will be based on the population projections being developed by RLS Demographics using 2020 Census data. In recognition that New Hampshire's communities are projected to grow and need the resources and best practices to meet existing and projected future housing demand, these tools will provide effective strategies that can be customized to align with communities' visions.

Inquiries are due July 1, 2022, at 4 PM and responses are due July 15, 2022, at 3 PM via e-mail to with the Subject Line, "NH Housing Toolbox Assistance RFP".

The complete RFP can be found at:

Request Type
Friday, July 15, 2022

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