Housing Needs Assessment

Gilpin County

Central City, CO

The County of Gilpin is inviting proposals from qualified consulting firms or individuals for the preparation of a Housing Needs Assessment that will analyze present housing stock and future housing needs within the county. The study area is to include both the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Gilpin County. Gilpin County currently has a total population of approximately 5,891 people. The county has two incorporated towns: Central City, and Black Hawk.

The qualified Firm is to provide all the necessary services, labor, equipment and supplies required for the satisfactory completion as described in this RFP. The Firm will provide services which may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. An assessment of the current housing stock including, but not limited to, age of asset and product type, demographics of renters and homeowners, market demands including, but not limited to, standard sale prices and rental rates, housing gaps, and strategies to mitigate these gaps.
  2. An assessment of current employment demographics including, but not limited to, total number of jobs, classifications of jobs, data on wages, percentage of workers who are residents of the county, percentage of workers traveling into the county for work, percentage of workers traveling out of the county for work, and future projection of job trends within the county.
  3. An assessment of barriers to new housing and in particular affordable housing including, but not limited to, water supply and availability, wildfire risk and mitigation, infrastructure availability, environmental impacts, regulatory barriers including local and state regulations, and availability of local government services.
  4. GIS maps and data that identify existing housing stock, current residential densities, allowable residential densities with the ability to forecast how policy changes could impact potential density. In addition, areas for potential housing development, including locations, types of developments, and infrastructure availability.
  5. Alternative ideas for housing plans that give the community a range of options to choose from while setting goals for deploying an adequate number of affordable housing units to meet a local government affordable housing commitment with the State of Colorado.
  6. Recommendations and guidance on the process of project design, implementation, and communication with developers to further achieve the objectives of the community including, but not limited to, specific project sites, land-use recommendations, and community engagement.

Request Type
Tuesday, July 18, 2023