Comprehensive Plan

City of Bartlesville

Bartlesville, OK


City of Bartlesville, Oklahoma Comprehensive Plan

Issue Date: June 7, 2023

Due Date: July 21, 2023

Submission Email:

The City of Bartlesville, Oklahoma (the "City") is soliciting statements of qualifications from highly skilled and experienced urban planning consultants to develop a Comprehensive Plan for the City within a one-year timeframe. The consultant will work in close collaboration with the City's staff, elected officials, and the community to develop a future-oriented and sustainable Comprehensive Plan reflecting a unified vision for the growth and development of Bartlesville over the next 20 years


The consultant will be expected to provide the following services:

  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Collection, review, and analysis of relevant data. This may include demographic, socio-economic, environmental, and land use data, among others.
  2. Community Engagement: Design and implement a comprehensive community engagement strategy that includes a diverse range of stakeholders. This could include public meetings, surveys, workshops, and digital engagement tools.
  3. Visioning and Goal Setting: Work with the City and community to develop a shared vision for the future, along with associated goals and objectives.
  4. Plan Development: Develop a comprehensive plan document that includes sections on land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, parks and recreation, and environmental sustainability, among others.
  5. Implementation Strategy: Develop a clear and actionable implementation strategy that includes responsibilities, timelines, potential funding sources, and performance measures.
  6. Plan Adoption: Assist the City with the plan adoption process, including presentations to the City Council and other key stakeholders.


Interested firms must demonstrate:

  1. Extensive experience in the field of urban planning, especially in the creation of comprehensive plans.
  2. Proven track record of successful community engagement.
  3. Understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing Bartlesville and similar communities.
  4. Ability to complete the project within the required timeframe.
  5. Demonstrated capacity to work effectively with diverse stakeholders.
  6. Knowledge of sustainable and resilient planning practices.


Please submit the following:

  1. Cover Letter: A letter introducing your firm and expressing interest in the project.
  2. Firm Overview: Information about your firm, including size, areas of expertise, and years in business.
  3. Project Team: Profiles of key team members who would be involved in the project, including their roles and qualifications.
  4. Proposed Timeline: Provide a proposed year timeline for the project.
  5. Experience: Descriptions of at least three similar projects your firm has completed in the past, including outcomes, timelines, and references.
  6. Approach: A preliminary approach to the project, including methods for data collection and analysis, community engagement, and plan development.
  7. Availability: Confirmation of your firm's ability to complete the project within the required one-year timeframe.

Submissions should be in PDF format and emailed to by July 21st, 2023 at 4:00PM CST.


Submissions will be evaluated based on:

  1. Relevant Experience
  2. Proposed Approach
  3. Ability to Meet Project Timeline
  4. References

Shortlisted firms may be invited for an interview. The City reserves the right to reject any or all submissions. The City shall not be responsible for any pre-contract costs by interested firms participating in the selection process. 


For questions or clarifications, please contact:

Greg Collins
Special Projects Manager
City of Bartlesville
Phone: (918)-338-4241

We look forward to your submission and potentially working together to shape the future of Bartlesville.

Request Type
Friday, July 21, 2023