Comprehensive Plan Update

Town of Barrington

Barrington, RI

Please note: the Town is currently working with several consultants on specific topics relevant to several Comprehensive Plan chapters. See chapter descriptions below for more detail.

B1.1 General Requirements

  • Undertake a complete study and analysis of existing conditions and identify constraints, needs, strengths, and opportunities in the Town with focus on implementation strategies based on detailed the developed goals, objectives, policies, and actions in the Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with RIGL 45-22.2, the State Guide Plan, and standards set forth by the RI Division of Statewide Planning. The plan is required to comply with the RIGL Division of Statewide Planning requirements, and any other applicable state and local requirements. This shall include recommended zoning amendments that would support implementation.
  • Complete an initial summary assessment of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan identifying significant additions, deletions, and/or modifications that will be required in the update. This will include an internal meeting with Town staff, and potentially a meeting with the Town's Planning Board.
  • Produce a project timetable identifying proposed completion dates for various chapters in the most expeditious and cost-effect order, embedding the Town's other initiatives for synergy of efforts.
  • Utilize existing information, reports, and studies on file/provided by the Town to the maximum extent possible (i.e. Complete Streets Action Plan, Recreation Field Condition and Feasibility Report, etc.).
  • Regular meetings with Town staff and with the Town's Planning Board, as part of their regular business meetings held the first Tuesday of each month.
  • Attend Town Council meetings on an as-needed basis, including a draft plan and final plan presentation before the Town Council (minimum of two Town Council meetings, approximately 30 minutes on agenda).
  • Prepare and execute all required mapping using ESRI ArcGIS software.
  • Ensure internal consistency of all plan elements and consistency with the State Guide Plan.
  • Incorporate comments of the draft plan from the Town Council, Planning Board, staff, and public into final submission of the plan.
  • Submit draft plan to the RI Division of Statewide Planning and incorporate all State comments into the final plan.
  • Embed components of the Climate Action Plan into all chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, as applicable.
  • Incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles, such as language, recommendations, etc. throughout the Plan, where/when applicable.

B1.2 Community Outreach and Engagement Program

  • Develop a community outreach and engagement strategy to gather input and feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions:
    • Consultants are asked to propose a robust community outreach and engagement strategy that utilizes a mix of mediums, including meetings, surveys, and other creative engagement activities.
    • Community outreach and engagement efforts shall include collaboration among other consultants the Town is working with on other initiatives, including, but not limited to, the Housing Chapter and the Climate Action Plan.

B1.3 Comprehensive Plan Chapters

(1) Housing The Housing Chapter will be developed by another consultant through an award to the Town from Rhode Island Housing's Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP). The selected consultant for this Comprehensive Plan RFQ will work with staff to coordinate with the Town and the Housing Chapter MTAP consultant to ensure that the information is incorporated into other components of the plan as appropriate and embedded into both the Land Use Chapter and Implementation Plan. Please note that the scope of work funded by the MTAP grant will include completion of a build-out analysis.

(2) Economic Development Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). In addition, the Town is requesting that focus be placed on commercial signage as part of the economic development chapter update:

  • The consultant shall incorporate a commercial signage component into the chapter. The Town requests that this includes an analysis of commercial signage, specifically addressing a-frame signage and banner regulations, etc., and a framework on commercial signage design guidelines and standards to be used in later ordinance revisions and guidelines. Please note that the Town is seeking technical assistance funding for this initiative as well.
    • Recommend incorporating public feedback, such as through a visual preference survey, into analysis of existing signage and potential changes to the sign regulations.
    • More detailed ordinance revision work and/or more illustrative guidelines and standards may be requested as a separate project following the 2025 Comprehensive Plan adoption.

(3) Circulation Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above), with an emphasis on achieving the goals and objectives of the Town's Complete Streets Plan. The update shall work in conjunction with the following:

  • The Complete Streets Network Planning, Gap Analysis, and Prioritized Implementation Strategy being completed by one of the Town's on-call consultants (Note: data from the project will support the formation of the Circulation Chapter).
  • The Safe Streets for All planning process for Barrington (the consultant has been selected by the funding agency, RIPTA, but the scope of work has not yet been determined)
  • The Route 114 Corridor Study for Bristol County, coordinated through the RI Division of Statewide Planning; and
  • Aligns with the goals, objectives, and actions of the Complete Streets Plan adopted by the Town in 2022.

(4) Community Services & Facilities Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). In addition to these requirements, this chapter shall also address the following:

  • Stormwater management strategies, including opportunities for natural and naturebased solutions;
  • Information technology (IT), including cybersecurity, and broadband access for public buildings and the community as a whole; and
  • Communications and engagement.

(5) Natural & Cultural Resources Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). In addition, this chapter shall also coordinate with and address tree-related initiatives the Town is actively engaged in, including the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) Urban & Community Forestry Grant Program (UCF) Tree Inventory Program and related tree canopy study, and the drafting of a Town tree ordinance.

(6) Outdoor Recreation Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). The selected consultant shall coordinate with the Town Manager and other Department Heads as needed on ongoing recreation field initiatives and projects to incorporate into the chapter.

(7) Energy Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). The chapter shall reference and incorporate the findings of the Climate Action Plan (under development, to be completed in 2024).

(8) Natural Hazards Produce a chapter update in accordance with the State Guide Plan and the Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). The chapter shall reference and incorporate relevant findings and actions from the Climate Action Plan and the Hazard Mitigation & Flood Management Plan (HMFMP) (please note: the Climate Action Plan consultant will be referencing the HMFMP as well).

(9) Land Use Incorporate the findings of the above chapters to develop the Land Use Chapter, also in accordance with the State Guide Plan and Division of Statewide Planning (as indicated above). In addition, the Land Use Chapter shall also create an analysis and framework for developing design standards and the Town's development plan review process for amendments and/or additions, which would feed into a separate effort following adoption of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan.

(10) Implementation Table/Plan Using the goals, objectives, policies, and actions from each of the chapters, develop an easyto-follow graphic outlining implementation, including factors such as priority, cost (including funding mechanisms, staff and/or contractor time, estimated cost in today's dollars, etc.), and timeframe. This table shall be used to identify top-priority projects from the community to direct staff efforts and resources accordingly. The Town's encourages consultants to deliver a graphicsrich, user-friendly implementation plan that helps with community education and outreach, pursuit of grant funds, and provides good information for decision makers as part of the Town's budgeting process. The Plan should identify the most impactful things the Town can do in the short term over the next 0 to 10 years, as well as prioritize long-term actions for the Town to implement over the next 20 years.

B1.4 Structure – Goals, Policies, Actions, Implementation Plan.

  • The plan shall match the goals, policies, actions structure modelled in the following structure (or one similar, as recommended and explained by the Bidder):
    • Focus area and/or topic.
    • Guiding principles and values (which will guide how actions are measured).
    • Goal (i.e. WHAT to accomplish).
    • Strategy (i.e. HOW the goal will be accomplished).
    • Mechanism (i.e. the tool(s) for the strategy and actions).
    • Action (i.e. specific activity for implementation that contributes to the goal(s)).
    • Indicator (i.e. tracked metric to show progress on goal(s)).
    • Target (i.e. HOW the indicator will be measured).


  • Produce a full rewrite of the 2015 plan in accordance with RIGL 45-22.2, the State Guide Plan, and standards set forth by the RI Division of Statewide Planning that is both data- and community-driven. The update shall include a complete reformat of the document into a userfriendly, digital-first approach with visually appealing yet easily readable graphics and content.
  • The plan shall include a user-friendly, graphics-rich standalone executive summary document, including text, maps, and graphics.
  • All cartographical, graphical, tabular or either compilations or representations of data assembled in support of the project shall be provided in separate files (to be used in other Town initiatives, such as social media, website, and newsletter).
  • Products such as reports and studies must be furnished in both bard copy and electronic format (both in PDF and Microsoft Word formats). The Town will provide a file-sharing mechanism for uploading materials.
  • Printer-ready electronic versions of the final plan in both PDF and Microsoft Word formats.
  • Provide the Town any GIS mapping data contained in the final Comprehensive Plan document. This includes ArcGIS files (*.gdb) and PDF maps.
  • Electronic copies of presentational material (including, but not limited to, PowerPoint presentations, display boards, etc.)
  • Documents shall be provided to the Town a minimum of ten (10) business days prior to public release.
  • All interim and final products (reports, maps, data, etc.) supported by this agreement shall be public documents per RI General Laws.

Request Type
Monday, April 15, 2024

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