Active Transportation Plan
City of Mt Shasta
Mount Shasta, CA
Introduction and Background
The City of Mt. Shasta is a small rural community set at the base of Mount Shasta in Northern California. The City is considered an underserved community due to its rural setting and low household income level. The City has a population of 3,247, while the County of Siskiyou has a total population is 44,151. Resources within Siskiyou County are limited. The closest major city, Redding, is located 61 miles south and is in Shasta County. Of the 3,247 Mt. Shasta residents, a significant portion live in neighborhoods along the Lake Street corridor or just to the northeast or southwest of Lake Street. As part of the development of the Lake Street Complete Streets (LSCS) Plan the City will work with the community to develop complete street improvement recommendations along Lake Street from Interstate-5 (I-5) to Shasta Avenue for approximately 1.2 miles.
The Lake Street Complete Streets Plan is being funded through a Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant award totaling $156,577. The grant was awarded to:
- Develop a comprehensive Complete Streets Plan that will identify progressive solutions to improve multi-mobility, accessibility, and safety along Lake Street.
- Analyze existing conditions, current infrastructure and gaps, safety concerns, accessibility barriers, and general mobility needs for the community.
- Identify key stakeholders whose input is desired throughout the course of the Plan.
- Facilitate open community engagement throughout the duration of the Plan's development to ensure that the improvements reflect the needs of the Mt. Shasta community.
- Identify complete streets improvements on Lake Street to include protected bicycle and pedestrian facilities, gateway features, wayfinding designs, pedestrian-level lighting and other streetscape amenities.
- Develop streetscape alignment and conceptual designs for the desired improvements.
- Analyze preliminary feasibility constraints, as well as identification of environmental, right of way, and/or funding challenges.
- Prepare a comprehensive implementation and funding strategies to position the project components for future funding.
The City will negotiate a contract with the top-rated respondent, and if unsuccessful will consider other submissions in order of ranking.
Contractual Contact:
Name: Mr. Todd Juhasz, City Manager
Address: 305 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067
Phone: 530-926-7510
Due Dates:
All responses to the RFQ are due by July 12th and should be delivered by electronic means in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Forward all responses via email to Any response received after the required time and date specified for receipt shall be considered late and will not be evaluated.
Consultant Selection
Advertise for Consultant Proposals — June 6th, 2024
Deadline for RFP Clarifications/Questions — July 12th, 2024
Due Date for Proposal Submittals (by 5:00 p.m.) — July 12th, 2024
Review Proposals/Identify Finalists — July 26th, 2024
Interview Finalists —Aug 9th, 2024
Consultant Notice — Aug 16th, 2024
Contract Negotiations/Signed Contract —Sept 6th, 2024
Notice to Proceed* —Sept 6th, 2024
Project Development/Major Milestones
Project Start-Up/Mobilization —Sep 6th, 2024
Planned Draft LSCSP Completion —Nov 8th, 2025
Final LSCSP Completion —Dec 5th, 2025
Planned LSCSP Adoption —Jan 13th, 2025
Final Invoices Received —Feb 21st, 2024
RFP Respondent's will demonstrate that they can provide the following:
Respondents will demonstrate that they have extensive training and experience in active transportation planning and engineering.
As a recent recipient of a Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant, this Lake Street Complete Streets Plan (LSCSP) for the City of Mt Shasta will provide a framework of strategies and implementation actions intended to improve safety and mobility along 1.2 miles of Lake Street in Mount Shasta. The LSCSP, will include public outreach to the following groups: the City Council, local schools, active transportation groups, the Tribes, local businesses, and low-income, non-English speakers to ensure that all stakeholders have their input on the Plan.
The design will likely include traffic calming, intersection treatments, protected active transportation facilities, pedestrian-level street lighting and the development of educational guidebooks on safe walking and biking practices. This project aligns with State, regional and local efforts to improve multi-modal mobility for underserved communities, to reduce vehicle miles traveled, and address climate change goals, and will position the City for success when seeking construction funding.
Guidelines for Response Preparation
Response Submission:
Respondents will provide a description of how they will provide the services required as outlined above in six pages or less. Responses should include a description of the proposed project team, their availability to complete this project on time and on budget, as well as resumes for all team members. Detailed RFP preparation instructions can be found at the following link:
The City reserves the right to reject any or all offers and discontinue this RFP process without any obligation or liability to any potential consultant.