Lancaster, CA, General Plan 2030

Updated October 2013

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Solar Energy

The city's comprehensive plan references the presence of a utility-scale solar farm in itsĀ Plan for Natural Resources chapterĀ (p. 2-34).

This chapter includes policies to encourage site design that minimizes energy use (Policy 3.6.2), encourage energy conservation measures in existing and new structures (Policy 3.6.3), and consider and promote solar energy use (Policy 3.6.6).

Policy 3.6.2 is associated with an action statement to revise development regulations to promote solar site design and accessory solar energy systems (Action 3.6.2.b).

Policy 3.6.3 is associated with action statements to investigate the feasibility of adopting an ordinance to encourage the installation of solar energy systems in industrial rehabilitation projects (Action 3.6.3.a) and explore the feasibility of requiring solar energy systems for all new residential construction (Action 3.6.3.b).

Policy 3.6.6 is associated with action statements to work with utilities and private companies to incorporate solar energy (Action 3.6.6.a) and incorporate solar energy systems into city capital improvement projects (Action 3.6.6.b).

Lancaster, CA

2010 Population: 156,633

2010 Population Density: 1,661.43/square mile