Portsmouth, VA, Code of Ordinances

Updated July 2019


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Active Transportation

This city’s zoning code’s on-site circulation standards include regulations to protect pedestrians from the elements, and to encourage traditional downtown street design (§40.1-5.1(N)). Sites are encouraged to have pedestrian amenities to mimic traditional main streets and segregated pedestrian circulation routes to provide shelter from the elements.

Green Building

The city’s code of ordinances lists green building features that qualify for incentives. These incentives include density bonuses; greater height and building coverage limits; lower landscaping material, off-street parking, and open-space requirements (§40.1-5.8.B). Green building features that are eligible for such incentives include energy, recycling/waste reduction, site configuration, resource conservation, transportation, building configuration, and water conservation features (§40.1-5.8.F). 

Solar Energy

The city's requirements for Certificates of Approval (for development in historic districts) exempt solar collectors from requirements if they are mounted in locations not visible from a public street (Sec. 40.1-2.3.4.f).

The city permits accessory solar energy equipment by right in all but historic districts (Table 40.1-4.4(A)). Standards address visibility, height above rooftops, and projections into required yards (Sec. 40.1-4.4.14).

Finally, the city offers a density incentive for including green building features in development. Several solar-related options are included in the menu of green building features, including generation of energy through alternative energy sources such as solar, solar-ready design, and solar orientation of new buildings (Table 40.1-5.8(F)).

Zoning Reform and Code Writing

The city adopted a new zoning code in 2010 (Chapter 40.1). It includes a mix of use-based and form-based zoning standards. It defines and regulates uses based on broad categories, with select specific use types, and includes use-specific standards to minimize reliance on discretionary use permits. It is richly illustrated and uses tables to organize use permissions and dimensional standards.

Its purpose statements address providing for adequate light, air, convenience of access, and safety from dangers; reducing traffic congestion; facilitating the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community; facilitating the provision of adequate public facilities; protecting historic areas; protecting against overcrowding; encouraging economic development activities; providing for the preservation and protection of the natural environment; promoting the creation and preservation of affordable housing; implementing the comprehensive plan; promoting a high quality of life; developing a sense of place; maintaining quality neighborhoods; strengthening neighborhoods; encouraging the development of activity centers; encourage compatible redevelopment; encouraging mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly land-use patterns; encouraging the highest and best use of land; targeting obsolescent uses for redevelopment; improving the visual character of the gateway corridors; improving development quality generally; and focusing and strengthening urban form (§40.1-1.3).

Portsmouth, VA

2010 Population: 95,535

2010 Population Density: 2,838.83/square mile