Hailey, ID, Municipal Code

Updated October 2022

By: City of Hailey, ID

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Accessory Dwelling Units

This city’s municipal code allows for accessory dwelling units in single family residential zones (§17.08D.030.C). One ADU is allowed per lot. The code outlines the requirements of the ADUs including occupancy restrictions (§17.08D.050), and size requirements (§17.08D.060). Tiny Homes on Wheels are also a permissible housing type for an ADU.

Green Building

The city’s zoning ordinance offers planned unit developments (PUD’s) green building certification and meeting energy efficiency standards as options to satisfy an amenity requirement. Residential PUD’s buildings must receive Built Green, Energy Star, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design- Homes (LEED-H) certification; non-residential PUD’s must receive LEED Certified certification (§10.3.8.k).

Housing Supply Planning

The city's zoning ordinance encourages increasing housing options for all by permitting accessory dwelling units in single family residential zones (§17.08D.030.C). The code also classifies tiny homes on wheels as an approved housing unit.

Outdoor Lighting

The city’s zoning ordinance includes a section on outdoor lighting based on dark-sky principles (§17.08C). The purpose statement lists nine intentions of the ordinance to accomplish. The ordinance requires that existing lighting be brought into conformance with the standards. It requires that all exterior lighting be designed and located to prevent overlighting, energy waste, glare, light trespass, and skyglow, and requires full cutoff luminaires, with certain listed exceptions. It provides standards for lighting placement and height, and includes requirements for illuminance and type of lighting (LED or energy efficient options) in different contexts. It also offers illustrated guidelines and tables. Lighting plans are required with all development applications; the review process is described. 

Solar Energy

The city's building code requires new development to acquire a minimum number of green building points, and it lists various types and sizes of solar energy systems as features eligible for green building points (Sec. 15.08.012.E.6). The city's zoning code permits accessory rooftop solar energy systems by right and primary use solar energy systems as a conditional use in all districts (Sec. 17.04).

Tiny Houses and Micro Apartments

This city’s municipal code classifies tiny homes on wheels as an approved housing unit. Tiny homes on wheels are an accessory structure. The code requires tiny homes on wheels to be hooked up to municipal services and must abide by setbacks and other zoning requirements. To establish a tiny home on wheels, residents must complete city applications and requirements.  

Food Systems | Urban Livestock

The city's zoning code was amended in 2015 to address the keeping of chickens and bees within the city. The code allows the keeping of up to 8 hens on all lots with single-family dwellings, subject to standards (§ Standards address chicken coop design, construction, and siting. Roosters are prohibited.

Beekeeping is permitted on lots larger than 8,000 SF; the total number of allowable hives is based on the size of the lot (§ Standards address hive locations (including rooftops), setbacks, screening, water, queens, identification, and inspection.

Hailey, ID

2010 Population: 7,960

2010 Population Density: 2,178.43/square mile