Summit County, CO, Land Use and Development Code


By: Summit County Government
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Accessory Dwelling Units

The county’s land use and development code permits internal, attached, and detached accessory apartments by right in all single-family districts, subject to use-specific standards (§3404). These standards address detached historic structures, multifamily buildings, qualified occupants, covenants, caretaker units, structural relationship to principal dwelling and accessory structures, entrances, roof lines, building materials, landscaping, detached barns and garages, number of bedrooms, appearance, units per lot, unit size, water and sewer, parking, compliance with building and fire codes, neighborhood impact, and units in older accessory structures (§3809.03).

Food Systems | Urban Livestock

The county's zoning ordinance addresses the types and numbers of animals allowed in each zoning district (§3802.02).

Livestock (excluding chickens and miniature goats) are permitted in rural, PUD, and R-1 districts on lots 80,000 SF or larger; conditional use approval is required on lots of 40,000–80,000 SF.

Chickens are permitted in all residential districts, and may be kept at multifamily developments with Class 2 site plan and conditional use approval; standards are provided for chicken coops and runs, roosters are prohibited in most residential districts, and slaughtering is permitted outside the public view. On-site egg sales are prohibited in residential districts.

Goats are permitted in rural, PUD, and some residential districts on lots at least 40,000 SF in size; standards are provided for shelter and fenced areas.

Beekeeping is permitted as an accessory use in all districts with a primary residential use; standards address colony density, protection of hives from bears and other wildlife, setbacks, flyway fencing, water, maintenance, and aggressive colonies.

Allowable numbers of animals are summarized in Figure 3-8.  

Housing Supply Planning

The county's unified development code encourages increasing housing options for all by permitting internal, attached, and detached accessory apartments by right in all single-family districts, subject to use-specific standards (§3404).

Wildland-Urban Interface

The county’s unified development code addresses wildfire hazard mitigation through zoning and subdivision regulations.

It includes special rezoning standards for wildfire hazard areas (§3202.05). These standards require compliance with the county’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

It includes fire protection improvements for new subdivisions (§8101). These provisions require applicants to submit a fuel reduction/forest management plan in compliance with the county’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

Summit, CO

2010 Population: 27,994

2010 Population Density: 46.02/square mile