New Tools for Zoning and Development Visualization
Zoning Practice — March 2012
By Devin Lavigne, FAICP

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Plans have almost always included figures and photos to explain recommendations and planning concepts, and now zoning ordinances, design guidelines, and other regulatory tools are starting to follow suit. Supporting illustrations, sketches, and photos integrated into these documents can show standards that the text describes, and development visualization can show what our codes strive to foster.
Technological innovations have changed how documents are prepared, printed, packaged, and distributed. In the past these documents would sit on bookshelves in the back offices of city hall or be served online through a static website as pure text, stripped of maps and graphics. As our tools, software, and the web evolve, so must our practices, codes, and ordinances.
This issue of Zoning Practice highlights the software and techniques that can provide the imagery to enhance zoning ordinances, explain zoning changes, and highlight the development potential of key sites.
About the Author
Devin Lavigne, FAICP
Devin Lavigne is a nationally recognized figure in urban planning, distinguished by his expertise in urban design, geographic information systems (GIS), and development visualization. As a principal and co-founder of Houseal Lavigne Associates, his innovative projects have brought the firm national recognition, earning several prestigious awards including the National Excellence Award from the American Planning Association, Esri’s Most Innovative Partner Award, and multiple Special Achievement in GIS Awards.