Mapping Principles for Rezonings

Zoning Practice — December 2011

By Arista Strungys, FAICP


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When a municipality takes on comprehensive zoning reform, rewriting the text is only half the story. In order to implement redevelopment goals — particularly those identified in a comprehensive plan — and ensure that the new zoning matches the reality of the existing physical environment, a revision of the zoning map is also needed.

It is typical in a zoning ordinance update to make revisions to the text before undertaking any remapping. In order to identify where to map the districts proposed by the new zoning ordinance, the municipality must first agree on principles for mapping decisions.

This issue of Zoning Practice offers some basic mapping principles both to guide planners as they undertake a remapping project and to help them explain the rationale behind map changes to the general public.


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Date Published
Dec. 1, 2011
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American Planning Association

About the Author

Arista Strungys, FAICP
Arista Strungys, AICP, is a Principal at Camiros, Ltd. Her area of expertise is zoning and development regulations, and she has worked with communities across the country of all sizes in drafting development regulations. She is experienced in all types of regulatory techniques, including traditional controls, place-based zoning, form-based coding, design guidelines, and sustainable development.