The Significance of the Setback
Zoning Practice — June 2021
By Christine Quattro, AICP

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Since the adoption of the first comprehensive zoning ordinance in New York City, zoning codes have included minimum setback requirements for land uses and structures.
As cities fight to control sprawl and encourage infill, some commentators have blamed the setback for an underutilization of valuable space. Calls for increased density, more affordable housing, and sustainable cities are all leading to the question of whether setback requirements should be eliminated.
This issue of Zoning Practice explores the setback and its purpose in spatial planning and zoning ordinances. It presents a brief history of the setback, summarizes the key factors to consider when altering setbacks, and presents a case analysis of setbacks in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
About the Author
Christine Quattro, AICP
Dr. Chris Quattro, AICP, is an Assistant Professor at Appalachian State University. They hold a PhD in City and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in planning law and land use. Quattro is the Lead Land Development Researcher for a private San Antonio law firm and a Watauga County Housing Council member in North Carolina. Previously, Dr. Quattro was the City Planning and Development Director for San Antonio City Council District 1 and a Zoning Board Member for Yeadon Borough, Pennsylvania. Their work focuses on community-based projects and advocacy planning, particularly regulatory system impacts on community development.