Planning for Solar Energy
PAS Report 575

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This PAS report is available free to all as part of APA's participation in the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership.
Solar energy use is on the rise. This renewable resource generates more than just heat and light. It revs up the local economy, dials down greenhouse gases, and scales back utility costs for homes and businesses.
Is your community ready to power up its solar energy plans? Start off right with help from this essential guide. Explore the range of solar technologies, their costs and benefits. Find advice on adding solar-friendly goals and policies to local plans. Explore how communities are regulating development to enable and encourage solar installations in a variety of scales and contexts. Tap into tactics for promoting and financing solar projects. Read about communities that are leading by example, installing solar energy systems on public facilities and land. Learn how investing in workforce development, education programs, and public solar projects can pay off for your community's future. And look at the policy and technology trends that will change the solar scene in the decades ahead.
As a plus, the report includes a checklist for auditing local plans and a model framework for solar energy development regulations. Whether you're looking to clear the way for solar panels on residential roofs or identify the right location for a large-scale solar farm, Planning for Solar Energy will shed light on the issues you need to understand today.
Product Details
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Solar Energy Use as a Local Planning Issue
David Morley, AICP, and Brian Ross
Solar Energy as a Local Resource
Five Strategic Points of Intervention
Overview of the Report
Chapter 2: Overview of the U.S. Solar Market
Chad Laurent, Jayson Uppal, David Morley, AICP, and Justin Barnes
Costs and Financing
Scales and Contexts
Chapter 3: Visioning and Goal Setting
Ann Dillemuth, AICP, David Morley, AICP, Erin Musiol, AICP, Brian Ross, and Chad Laurent
Solar Energy and the Local Policy Agenda
Community Engagement
Competing Priorities
Vacant Land Management and Solar Development
Chapter 4: Plan Making
David Morley, AICP, and Erin Musiol, AICP
Common Features of Local Plans
Solar in the Comprehensive Plan
Solar in Subarea Plans
Solar in Functional Plans
Chapter 5: Regulations and Incentives
Ann Dillemuth, AICP, Darcie White, AICP, Paul Anthony, AICP, Justin Barnes, David Morley, AICP, and Erin Musiol, AICP
Development Regulations
Development Incentives
Financial Incentives
Chapter 6: Development Work
Darcie White, AICP, Paul Anthony, AICP, Brian Ross, and David Morley, AICP
Development Services
Public–Private Partnerships
Chapter 7: Public Investments
Philip Haddix, Chad Laurent, Jayson Uppal, Erin Musiol, AICP, and David Morley, AICP
Solar on Public Facilities
Programs That Support Solar Energy Use
Chapter 8: Concluding Thoughts
David Morley, AICP
Solar Energy Is a Local Resource
Local Solar Markets Are Sensitive to Policy
Local Plans Guide Solar Energy Use
Regulatory Silence Is Not the Same as Support
Partnerships Can Expand Local Solar Opportunities
Appendix A: Solar-Friendly Planning System Audit for Local Governments
Appendix B: Solar Energy Goals, Objectives, and Policies in Comprehensive Plans
Appendix C: Solar Strategies, Measures, and Actions in Functional Plans
Appendix D: Model Solar Development Regulation Framework
Appendix E: Model Solar Development Ordinances
Appendix F: Solar-Supportive Development Regulations