Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division
To promote awareness and action on Tribal and Indigenous planning issues for Tribal and Indigenous planners, peoples, nations, and their non-Tribal partners.
All planners and plans recognize, champion, and prioritize Tribal and Indigenous planning issues.
Core Values
- Community and Culture
- Honor and Respect
- Self-Determination and Sovereignty
Focus Area Goals
- Communicate — Build a network of Tribal and Indigenous planners to share information, highlight opportunities, and showcase successful projects and planning efforts.
- Educate — Build capacity of tribal and non-Tribal planners to better understand issues and topics that are unique and important to Native nations and Indigenous communities.
- Empower — Support Tribal and Indigenous planners to become strong allies and advocates for planning in Tribal and Indigenous communities.
- Engage — Grow a larger group of Tribal and Indigenous planners and students.
- Uplift — Assist Tribal and Indigenous planners as well as other APA interest groups and divisions address challenging planning issues in their communities.
Join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division
Join as a Non APA Member
Not an APA member? Let your APA membership lapse? No problem.... Join our Division as an APA affiliate member or student member!
The American Planning Association (APA) understands that not everyone can commit to paying for a full APA membership. Therefore APA welcomes anyone with a passion or interest in planning to sign up for a non-member APA account. This inclusive approach creates a low barrier entry point that welcomes a diversity of professional perspectives vital to building better communities. As an affiliate APA member you can still join and participate in any of the Planning Divisions but do not need to pay for a full APA membership! You can simply sign up for a non-member APA number. Or if you let your APA membership lapse you can still use your existing APA member to sign up for the Division only!
To join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division of APA as a non-member of APA just click on the link below and sign up to receive your non-member APA number. Once you have your APA number you can join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division of APA for only $40.
To join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division of APA as a student-member of APA just click on the link below and sign up to receive your student-member APA number. Once you have your APA number you can join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division of APA for only $10.
If you or someone you know work for Tribal Nation, is a Tribal leader, Is a Native American student, or works with Indigenous groups of people and is interested in supporting tribal indigenous planning please pass along this information and help us grow a larger network of tribal and indigenous voices.

Map of Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division members by state

Division's Guiding Documents
Approved by APA Board of Directors June 2022
Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division Bylaws
Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division Work Plan 2021-2026
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Resolution of Support
Archived Newsletters — coming soon
2020-2023 Strategic Plan (approved by Steering Committee 2/24/2020)
Stay In touch
For other announcements and to dialogue with other Tribal and Indigenous Planners, join the Tribal and Indigenous Planning Division LinkedIn group.
Information, Resources, and Training Opportunities
APA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion webpage
Western Planner website
Indian Land Tenure Foundation website
National Congress of American Indians website
U.S. Department of Arts and Culture - Guide to Native American Land Acknowledgments
University of Oregon Tribal Climate Change Project
Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook
Tribal Transportation Planning Organization

Tribal and Indigenous Planning Interest Group at NPC22