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About Committees and Task Forces

APA members who volunteer on committees and task forces play an important part in advancing the Association's goals. Each volunteer group aligns with a strategic initiative, critical project, or core activity in our annual work plan, partnering with staff liaisons and other advisers to deliver on its focused charge.

Volunteering is an excellent way to build your planning network, flex your skills, and learn from colleagues; these meaningful leadership opportunities offer a great return on your investment of time and talent!

Call for Volunteers

Do you want to give back to the profession or do more to advance planning than your current job allows? Check out these opportunities to serve on an APA or AICP committee and submit your volunteer application.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering. The 2024 application window has closed, applications will open in the fall of 2025.

In addition to Committees, members can run for elected leadership positions at the National, Chapter, Division, and Student levels. Nominations for these elected positions open in the spring of 2025.

Learn more about elected volunteer positions

Leadership Volunteer Timeline

APA Committees


Charge: The purpose of the committee shall be to prepare briefs and to develop a systematic method of tracking cases as they originate in lower courts; and to file amicus curiae briefs on behalf of the association in select court cases related to planning issues.

Time Commitment: 1 conference call every other month for 1 hour

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Legal expertise or experience in land use, environmental, or municipal legal issues. Knowledge of legal issues surrounding regulatory takings, zoning reform, land development regulations/litigation, comprehensive planning, and constitutional issues related to planning is desirable.


Charge: Ensure that the educational needs of members are addressed through our programs and partnerships and bring a strategic focus to APA's educational activities.

Focus for FY25: Collaborate with APA staff on prioritizing skills training for the next fiscal year based on APA's skills gaps analysis as part of the strategic initiative to Upskill Planners.

Time Commitment: One virtual 2-hour prioritization workshop in the summer. Maximum 5 hours of preparation time for the workshop (reading APA's Trend Report, reviewing APA's list of skills gaps).

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: To achieve the best outcome, this committee needs to include at least 2 EDI experts, 2 PlanTech experts, 2 planning directors, and 2 young professionals or students.


Charge: To promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the profession and the Association, help planners serve and support more diverse and inclusive audiences, and develop implementable strategies for consideration by the Board.

Focus for FY25: Support the advancement of APA's commitment to equity by sharing actionable information from stakeholder groups, validating assumptions about work plan activities and proposals, and serving as ambassadors for APA's EDI commitment.

Time Commitment: Conference calls every 6 weeks, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Members spanning public and private sector and academia, student(s), and various career stages. Members representing smaller towns and rural communities and major metropolitan areas who are working to advance equity in their planning fields. Demographic diversity.


Charge: Review APA Bylaws and governing policies to recommend any proposed changes to the Board of Directors for review and approval.

Focus for FY25: Using leading practices in association governance as a reference, review and revise the APA Board Policy manual to identify policies that are missing, policies that need to be updated, and items that should be relocated to operations manuals, so that leaders and staff have adequate guidance for the governance and operation of the association.

Time Commitment: 6-8 conference calls per year, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Familiarity with developing and evaluating organizational policy and its implications. Understanding of APA governance structure and process, including elections.


Charge: Advise the ongoing program of recruitment, development, assessment, recognition, and retention of volunteer leaders across all components of the organization.

Time Commitment: 1-3 conference calls per year, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Experience with leadership development programs, as a mentor, volunteer leader planning the program, or as a participant.


Charge: To coordinate and convene the delegate assembly to adopt national planning policies of the Association, and to recommend the legislative priorities of the Association to the Board for review and approval.

Focus for FY25: To develop policy positions on priority topics, provide input and counsel related to APA's legislative priority topic of housing and zoning reform, identify key and emerging policy issues critical to planning and APA's organizational strategy, and support the policy development process for heightened impact.

Time Commitment: Monthly conference calls, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Experience, expertise, or interest in policy and legislative issues related to housing, zoning reform, federal (U.S.) infrastructure programs, or energy/climate policy (with an emphasis on energy and environmental permitting).


Charge: To increase and retain members while increasing the cultural and professional diversity of the Association. The Committee shall monitor membership trends through analysis of membership information; examine areas of activity as they relate to membership and member services; make specific recommendations to the Board of Directors on recruitment and retention; coordinate with all membership recruitment and retention activities of the Association; and carry out such other membership-related duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

Focus for FY25: Provide inputs, share insights, or bring personal observations of planners' needs and behaviors to inform APA priority projects, including Strengthen Membership and Pursue Digital Relevance.

Time Commitment: 1-3 conference calls per year, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Members who will bring their experiences and perspectives as planners, are demographically diverse, including public and private sector employment, experienced in small town/rural planning, and represent a range of career stages.


Charge: To review and select recipients of the National Planning Awards for each category in which the jury finds an appropriately meritorious candidate.

Time Commitment: Roughly 30-35 hours of independent work (July-August) and 2 virtual calls 90 minutes each (August).

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Members should be representative of the vast subject areas of concentration within the planning profession (e.g. transportation, housing, resilience, etc.), diversity in geographic location, municipality size, job positions, overall professional experience, and different job sectors including private practice, public realm, and planning academia.

Planning Officials Committee

Charge: This Committee shall advocate for planning officials and help educate planning officials about implementing sound, ethical, inclusionary, and non-discriminatory planning practices.

Focus for FY25: In collaboration with chapter leaders, research and assess current needs and gaps in planning official education and advocacy.

Time Commitment: Three conference calls, 60 minutes each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Chapter leaders involved in programming for planning officials; members who currently serve as planning officials in their community.

APA Nominating Committee

Charge: Successfully attracting and selecting leaders for national office requires a diverse and highly capable Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall:

  • Recruit qualified candidates to serve on the APA Board of Directors
  • Invite recommendations of potential candidates from other APA leaders
  • Host an in-person Candidate Leadership Development and Recruitment session at the National Planning Conference to provide information about leadership opportunities and the consolidated election process.
  • Consider balance in the composition of the Board. In particular, the Committee shall take into account the following considerations: nominations that prioritize APA's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as those that reflect specific characteristics, qualities, or expertise needed to define and advance the Association's strategic goals, as outlined in the approved APA Selection Criteria.
  • Vet all candidates for national office with an open mind, and shall not be unduly influenced by any individual viewpoint in making their selections.
  • Slate pairs of candidates on the ballot for election
  • Report its candidates to the CEO according to a schedule adopted by the Board of Directors

Time Commitment: Nominating Committee members will serve a two-year term beginning January 1 of odd-numbered calendar year through December of the following even-numbered calendar year.

On average, the estimated total time commitment over a period of two years would be roughly 50 hours, plus attendance at two National Planning Conferences.

  • Year One (Election Year): (4-6) 90-minute conference calls, up to (8) 45-minute candidate interviews, and several hours per month spent on independent recruitment efforts
  • Year Two (Post Election): quarterly 60-minute conference calls, ongoing recruitment activity
  • Attend the National Planning Conference during each year of their term, and participate in a leadership recruitment and information session.

Desired Competencies and Multi-representational Factors:

  • APA Awareness and Knowledge APA member in good standing. Commitment to APA's Mission and Core Values and a fulsome understanding of APA's organizational structures. Aware of AP leaders and governance processes. Experience serving in various APA leadership roles.
  • Leadership Maturity Actively engaged in the profession through professional memberships, continuing education, publications, and other activities. Maintains an active professional network of peers. Interested in identifying and mentoring new leaders.
  • Communication Exemplary speaking and writing skills. Demonstrated ability and desire to listen to others. Conciseness and clarity of messages that engage others. Able to work well in a structure that requires coordination among volunteer and staff leadership.
  • Objective Recruitment Experience in recruitment, interviewing, and hiring. Comfortable with the view that strong processes produce desirable outcomes in complex organizations. Willingness and ability to use competency-based candidate selection processes to achieve balance and diversity in APA leadership.

Representation from each of APA's six electoral regions is required.

The composition of the Nominating Committee should reflect a balance in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, and practice setting, among other demographic and representational factors.

Welcoming Environment Committee

Charge: The Welcoming Environment Committee will review any complaints made under the new APA Rules of Conduct (scheduled for release in January 2025) and shall adjudicate all contested Rules matters and disciplinary proceedings. The Committee shall advise the Board on measures to foster adherence to the Rules, shall monitor the effectiveness of the Rules, and shall take such other actions as are identified in the Rules. The Committee shall, in accordance with these Rules, authorize the engagement of an independent investigator to assist in the carrying out of these responsibilities.

Time Commitment: At least two required virtual meetings annually, with additional ad hoc meetings throughout the year, as needed, 1 hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: Members in good standing, ability to work in a group setting, demographic diversity

AICP Committees


Charge: The College of Fellows Committee shall select a College of Fellows Selection Committee from among the Fellows of the AICP. The College of Fellows Selection Committee shall review all nominations for designation as a Fellow of the College of Fellows of AICP.

Focus for 2025: The College of Fellows Committee revises the Fellows nomination toolkit and develops activities to assist in nomination preparation; plans the annual meeting of the fellows, selects the FAICP Selection Committee for the class of 2026; plans other Fellows activities at NPC.

Time Commitment: Zoom calls as needed, less than an hour each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: FAICP member in good standing, ability to work in a group setting. Willingness to assist with NPC and other planned activities for Fellows.


Charge: The Ethics Committee works with the AICP Ethics Officer to issue formal advisory opinions, shall oversee the issuance of informal opinions, and shall adjudicate all contested ethics matters and disciplinary proceedings under the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The Committee shall advise the Commission on measures to foster adherence to the Code, monitor the effectiveness of the Code, and take other actions identified in the Code.

Focus for 2025: The Ethics Committee develops the Ethics Case of the Year, in addition to issuing formal advisory opinions, overseeing the issuance of informal opinions, and adjudicating all contested ethics matters and disciplinary proceedings under the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as needed.

Time Commitment: Bi-monthly Zoom calls, 1.5 hours each

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: AICP member in good standing, ability to work in a group setting


Charge: The Exam Committee shall be responsible for advising the Commission on, and for oversight of, all examinations associated with AICP certification and AICP advance specialty certifications, if applicable. The Committee shall establish goals, objectives, and performance criteria for AICP certification and AICP advance specialty certification examinations, if applicable.

Focus for 2025: The Exam Committee establishes the goals, objectives, and performance criteria for the AICP certification exam. Per the continuous improvement plan, in 2025, the Committee will address statistically flagged questions to ensure the reliability and validity of the exam. Conduct the annual review of forms used for the 2025 exam cycle. As needed, review and update the question bank, including writing, revising, and reviewing exam questions.

Time Commitment: Varies by activity, some work is conducted via Zoom as a group (question review), and other activities (question writing) are done independently over a period of time. Question review meetings could be multiple 3-hour meetings, question writing varies.

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: AICP member in good standing, ability to work in a group setting. Not required, but helpful: familiarity with exam prep (question development) and prior service as a chapter Professional Development Officer (PDO).


Charge: The National Membership Standards Committee shall advise the Commission on policies affecting the recruitment, admission, and retention of members to AICP, review and comment on the proposals of other AICP committees as they affect membership, make recommendations to the Commission on the disposition of appeals of experience assessment, and advise the Commission on requests for reinstatement of members whose membership has lapsed.

Focus for 2025: Review appeals of experience assessment and reinstatements.

Time Commitment: Monthly Zoom calls as needed, under an hour each.

Desired Competencies/Expertise and Multi-representational Factors: AICP member in good standing, ability to work in a group setting.

AICP Nominating Committee

Charge: Successfully attracting and selecting leaders for national office requires a diverse and highly capable Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall:

  • Recruit qualified candidates to serve on the AICP Commission
  • Invite recommendations of potential candidates from other APA leaders
  • Host an in-person Candidate Leadership Development and Recruitment session at the National Planning Conference to provide information about leadership opportunities and the consolidated election process.
  • Consider balance in the composition of the Commission. In particular, the Committee shall take into account the following considerations: nominations that prioritize APA's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as those that reflect specific characteristics, qualities, or expertise needed to define and advance the Association's strategic goals, as outlined in the approved AICP Selection Criteria.
  • Vet all candidates for national office with an open mind, and shall not be unduly influenced by any individual viewpoint in making their selections.
  • Slate pairs of candidates on the ballot for election
  • Report its candidates to the CEO according to a schedule adopted by the Board of Directors

Time Commitment: Nominating Committee members will serve a two-year term beginning January 1 of odd-numbered calendar year through December of the following even-numbered calendar year.

On average, the estimated total time commitment over a period of two years would be roughly 50 hours, plus attendance at two National Planning Conferences.

  • Year One (Election Year): (4-6) 90-minute conference calls, up to (8) 45-minute candidate interviews, and several hours per month spent on independent recruitment efforts
  • Year Two (Post Election): quarterly 60-minute conference calls, ongoing recruitment activity
  • Attend the National Planning Conference during each year of their term, and participate in a leadership recruitment and information session.

Desired Competencies and Multi-representational Factors:

  • APA Awareness and Knowledge APA/AICP member in good standing. Commitment to APA's Mission and Core Values and a fulsome understanding of APA's organizational structures. Aware of APA/AICP leaders and governance processes. Experience serving in various APA/AICP leadership roles.
  • Leadership Maturity Actively engaged in the profession through professional memberships, continuing education, publications, and other activities. Maintains an active professional network of peers. Interested in identifying and mentoring new leaders.
  • Communication Exemplary speaking and writing skills. Demonstrated ability and desire to listen to others. Conciseness and clarity of messages that engage others. Able to work well in a structure that requires coordination among volunteer and staff leadership.
  • Objective Recruitment Experience in recruitment, interviewing, and hiring. Comfortable with the view that strong processes produce desirable outcomes in complex organizations. Willingness and ability to use competency-based candidate selection processes to achieve balance and diversity in APA leadership.

Representation from each of APA's six electoral regions is required.

The composition of the Nominating Committee should reflect a balance in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, and practice setting, among other demographic and representational factors.

APA leaders at the 2019 National Planning Conference in San Francisco

APA leaders at the 2019 National Planning Conference in San Francisco.