January 28, 2025
Upskilling Planners for Climate Impacts
An advisory panel helped identify emerging topics and skills that will aid planners in hazard mitigation and climate adaptation as part of APA's partnership with FEMA. -
January 7, 2025
New APA Rules of Conduct Released
The Board approved APA's Rules of Conduct. Learn more about the new Welcoming Environment Committee, updated policies and procedures, leadership training, and online resources. -
November 21, 2024
Three Takeaways for Climate Adaptation Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Explore how the Climate Navigators program shows how local knowledge, mental health support, and trust-building improve climate adaptation planning. -
November 8, 2024
Planning Together for a Sustainable Future and Sufficient Homes for Our Communities
A joint statement from the Global Planners Network member organizations about the 75th anniversary of World Town Planning Day. -
November 7, 2024
How Practitioners Define Sustainability
Uncovering JAPA: Discover how city sustainability leaders define their work, focusing on aspiration, collaboration, and resource sharing to drive local initiatives. -
October 21, 2024
Warren, Rhode Island, Planning Ahead For Rising Sea Levels
One of the smallest towns in the smallest state is set to get smaller with climate change, and planners in Warren, Rhode Island, are working on a managed retreat to prepare for it. -
August 15, 2024
A Cold Shower is Not Heat Resilience
Uncovering JAPA: Learn how reframing urban heat as an infrastructure issue and engaging communities in planning can build resilience against rising temperatures. -
June 27, 2024
Sustainable Development: Vision or Policy?
Uncovering JAPA: Discover how 20 years of sustainability emphasis has led to slow and uneven progress in implementing effective sustainability policies. -
June 6, 2024
Property Taxes Cannot Fund Climate Adaptation in Florida
Uncovering JAPA: Explore Florida's coastal counties' fiscal vulnerability to sea level rise and the pressing need for alternative revenue sources and efforts. -
May 1, 2024
Key Findings From the 2023 APA Member Equity Survey
Overview of key findings from APA's 2023 member equity survey. -
January 25, 2024
Refocus Heat Action Plans To Mitigate Indoor Heat Risks
Uncovering JAPA: Study finds the importance of prioritizing building improvements over tree planting strategies for mitigating the risk of indoor extreme heat. -
January 2, 2024
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule Finalized by Biden Administration
The Federal Highway Administration finalized an APA-supported planning rule for greenhouse gas emissions, including the release of a reduction tool to move climate change performance measurement forward. -
December 13, 2023
Disaster Resilience Strategy and Leadership Vary Widely Among States
New research finds some have taken steps to plan and adapt, but others are lagging -
May 15, 2023
Practical Tips to Foster Diversity and Inclusion in Your Workplace
Understanding the barriers to diverse planners' recruitment, retention, promotion, and leadership. How employers can promote a welcoming environment and encourage access to opportunities for career growth. -
May 2, 2023
Planning for Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change
As stewards of the urban ecosystem, planners can integrate habitat preservation and wildlife movement in an urban environment. A proposed Wildlife Ordinance in the City of Los Angeles aims to protect wildlife habitat and connectivity in its most ecologically significant areas. -
December 13, 2022
Creating a Collaborative Diversity-Oriented Internship Program
Equity in Practice: Five planning firms create a joint internship to help create a diversity-oriented internship program. -
November 17, 2022
How to Integrate Climate Equity Into Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Apply three aspects of equity to make the climate action planning process more inclusive. -
October 26, 2022
Planning With Nature at the Center
The vision of life in a biophilic city is one where we are not separate from nature, but intimately embedded within it. -
August 25, 2022
Three Ways to Build Support for Community-Centered Climate Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Strategies for building local support for planning climate action. -
June 30, 2022
Professional Inequality Within Urban Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Planner Eun Jin Shin investigates representation and wage gaps within the planning profession. -
May 19, 2022
Learning from London’s Transition to Sustainable Modes
Uncovering JAPA: Learning from London's transition to sustainable transportation modes. -
May 2, 2022
Addressing the Multifaceted Threats of Extreme Heat
Uncovering JAPA: A survey of U.S. planners reveals how they are preparing for and responding to the dangers of extreme heat, with responses showing slight regional variations. -
April 13, 2022
University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning Celebrates Women in Planning
Sponsored Content: The University of Florida Department of Urban and Regional Planning is highlighting two of our alumnae, Jennifer Krouchick and Lian Plass. -
April 11, 2022
Decarbonization Through Development Regulations
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: How are communities using zoning and other development regulations to mitigate climate change? -
March 8, 2022
Leading Women in Planning
In Greensboro, North Carolina, three AICP-certified women discuss their personal journeys into planning and the value of AICP. -
February 24, 2022
How Planning Mandates Spur Florida's Climate Action
Uncovering JAPA: Understanding the outcomes from climate mandates to address sea level rise in Florida. -
January 25, 2022
Hiring Neurodiverse People to Enhance Planning Teams
Planners are increasingly aware of neurodiversity, focusing on fostering community engagement and advocating for inclusion in the workplace. Neurodiversity, encompassing variations like autism, offers a broader perspective on human differences, relevant to planning and the built environment. -
January 24, 2022
Welcoming the Voices of Planning: Advancing Equity
APA Florida’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee launched a survey to better understand the intersection of experiences and the work of planning in Florida concerning equity, diversity, and inclusion. The survey results and a panel discussion were shared via a webinar. -
November 4, 2021
Need for Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace
Uncovering JAPA: The experiences of African American/Black and Hispanic/Latin/o/a/x planners illustrate it is necessary to increase diversity in the workplace but also create inclusive work environments. -
August 17, 2021
Getting Started With EDI in Your Office
Learn how organizations are translating EDI values into actionable initiatives. Los Angeles and Denver, among others, are taking steps to promote diversity and equity. It also provides tips for expanding EDI efforts in small businesses and highlights WSP's global diversity focus. -
July 13, 2021
States Take Aim at Carbon Emissions and Climate Consequences
State governments are finding new ways to amplify local and regional planning efforts that take aim at curbing harmful carbon emissions and ensuring climate impacts do not disproportionately burden underserved communities. Here is a look at some actions states are taking to help communities secure net-zero futures. -
December 18, 2020
Do Planners Know Plan Integration Can Improve Local Resilience?
APA developed a survey and conducted a series of interviews in an attempt to uncover how planners think about plan integration, and what relationship local plan integration efforts may have with building community resilience. -
October 1, 2020
Adopting Racial Equity Frameworks in Planning Organizations
Uncovering JAPA: What can planning departments do to adopt an organizational racial equity framework? -
September 24, 2020
Concerned About Planning Equity? Start With Your Office
Uncovering JAPA: Step one in planning for equitable outcomes: create an equitable workplace. -
July 23, 2020
Planning for Climate Change, Planning for Communities
Uncovering JAPA: Can large-scale climate action coexist with community-based planning? One JAPA author says they can and they must. -
July 9, 2020
7 Ways to Plan a Stronger Climate Change Response
Uncovering JAPA: Current climate action plans are insufficient for the mounting climate crisis. Get seven principles to help bolster and fill the gaps in these plans. -
July 8, 2020
Congress Looks to Planning as a Climate Crisis Solution
A new congressional climate action plan positions planning as one solution to tackling climate change. APA supported the creation of the plan by contributing ideas for how federal climate policy can set the context for effective local and regional plans. -
June 18, 2020
When Climate Resiliency Is More Than an Afterthought
Uncovering JAPA: Affordable housing and resiliency must coexist. How can low-income households weather the storm? -
June 11, 2020
Sustainability Plans Can Be More Than Just Talk
Uncovering JAPA: Investing in a sustainability plan means investing in the future. -
June 4, 2020
A Simple Path to Sustainable Transportation
Uncovering JAPA: Shared autonomous vehicles will be part of the future, but do we need them to achieve sustainable transportation? -
April 16, 2020
Simplifying Coastal Planning for Small Cities
Uncovering JAPA: How can small coastal cities plan for climate uncertainty? -
April 2, 2020
Changing Climate Calls for Changing the Built Environment
Uncovering JAPA: Building water-efficient cities might let us stick to the rivers and lakes that we’re used to. -
March 19, 2020
Regional Planning Can Help With Environmental Impacts of Warehouses
Uncovering JAPA: How can planning help regulate the disproportionate concentration of e-commerce-related warehouse facilities in greenfield sites? -
February 3, 2020
3 Top Issues for Planners in 2020 State Legislatures
As 2020 state legislative sessions start up, here are three top issues for planners. -
December 11, 2019
Revisiting Arnstein’s Ladder: Justice as Parity of Participation
Uncovering JAPA: How can planning toward participation have a transformative effect on social equity? -
April 22, 2019
Street Air on Earth Day
Members of the Street Air Project have studied the air pollution problem in Bay View, California, with the goal of quantifying the issues and seeking scientific and planning-related solutions. -
February 7, 2018
Climate Adaptation: Climbing the Mountain Amid a Landslide
A new report assesses the current state of the climate adaptation field. Planner and author Jim Schawb says planners can bring their skills to the table and make a difference. -
December 7, 2017
Planning in Uncertain Times and a New Agenda for the Future
To achieve greater social cohesion, inclusion, and safety in a society where the needs of all citizens are met, the approach needs to be comprehensive and have wide citizen support. Planning is the vehicle through which much of this vision can be achieved. -
September 8, 2016
Can You Sue the Government for Climate Change Impacts?
Well, a lot depends on circumstances, and environmental law is seldom a simple thing. But the answer, according to Jon Kusler, a veteran in this field, may increasingly be yes. -
June 27, 2016
Parks Without Borders: A Free Vision for Urban Space
New York City Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP, discusses his plan for creating better access to neighborhood parks throughout New York and the country.
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