APA Interact March 25, 2020

This Week at APA
March 25, 2020
Even with the current state of uncertainty in our lives and our profession, we would be remiss not to celebrate the career achievements of 53 AICP-certified members who were inducted into the College of Fellows as the Class of 2020. Please join us in celebrating these individuals who demonstrate excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, and community service and leadership.
With social distancing and stay-at-home orders in place for communities across the country, planners must get ready to engage with their communities online. We've highlighted two community engagement resources from APA Learn that we hope will help.
The Golden Circle of Online Engagement

To support planners as you help lead communities through this challenging time, please take advantage of this free course offering guidance on choosing the right tools for online engagement, measuring success, dealing with outrage and online trolls, meeting language needs, and more. CM | 1.25

Member cost: FREE through April 25
Collecting, Organizing, and Communicating Planning Information

This course reviews new, efficient, within-your-reach methods to effectively collect, organize, and communicate information. Tailor these unique strategies to fit your community.
CM | 1.0

Member cost: $25
APA will continue to provide helpful strategies and resources through this uncertain time — and beyond.
BREAKING: Federal stabilization legislation

Congress has reached a bipartisan agreement on COVID-19 emergency response legislation that is poised to be enacted soon. Thanks to the effort of APA advocates over the last several days, the bill includes state and local government relief funding that is necessary for stabilization, response, and recovery. Join APA for a legislative briefing March 26 at 2 p.m. (ET) to learn more about the elements of this bill that will enable planners to help communities respond to these unprecedented challenges.

There is potential for more funding and legislation to come, and communities will continue to need your advocacy to ensure future legislation addresses their needs.

Join the Planners Advocacy Network for regular updates and opportunities to make your voice heard in Washington.

Shaped by play
At Landscape Structures, we believe playstructures should complement their surroundings. But more than that they should complement childhood. Every aesthetic choice is also backed by evidence to challenge, excite and energize kids of all abilities. Because better play shapes kids into better adults.
NPC20 registration credit options

As the 2020 National Planning Conference is canceled in line with recommendations from the CDC — we'll follow up soon with additional information on future online learning opportunities — we have a few different options for using the credits.

Keep the credit with APA and use it toward items such as:
  • Membership dues or renewals
  • APA Learn courses and other educational opportunities
  • NPC21 conference registration
If you choose to go this route, no further action is required from you. The credit would be available to you through September 30, 2021.

Receive a full refund now
Identifying critical infrastructure during COVID-19

CISA released guidance and an accompanying list to support state, local, and industry partners in identifying the critical infrastructure sectors and essential workers needed to maintain the services and functions Americans depend on daily.
Regional planning can help with environmental impacts of warehouses

In this Uncovering JAPA blog post, learn how planning can help regulate the disproportionate concentration of e-commerce-related warehouse facilities in greenfield sites.
Emergency management for planning professionals

In Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness, read about the tools planners can utilize — such as resiliency and vulnerability — in emergency situations. While not specific to pandemics, these key concepts and lessons can be applied to today's circumstances. The publisher is allowing APA to make unlimited copies of the e-book available — you can check out your copy today via the APA Library E-book Collection with no wait.
APA chapter, division, student elections

Are you looking to be a passionate, dedicated planning leader for your APA chapter, division, or the Student Representatives Council? The deadline for potential candidates is April 24.

If you have any questions, email getinvolved@planning.org. Please note: If you have never used the nominations website, you’ll need to click on "sign up here" to register. You will be asked to confirm your email address before you can log in.
Demonstrate the value of planning with Great Places

The next Great Place in America could be in your community! The 2020 suggestion period is open through April 29. Invite your members to tell a planning success story by suggesting a great neighborhood, street, or public space today.
Sustainability Planner
Martha's Vineyard Commission
Oak Bluffs, MA
Director of Planning and Demographics
Greenville County Schools
Greenville, SC
Environmental Planner
Environmental Science Associates
Seattle, WA
Housing Needs Assessment
City of Sandy Springs
Sandy Springs, GA
Shoreline Master Program Update
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles, WA

Membership paid through:

Update My APA Profile
Send questions or comments about Interact to interact@planning.org.

Interact is a member e-newsletter of the American Planning Association and its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners.

Interested in advertising with APA? Contact rbarkin@townsend-group.com to learn more.
2020 American Planning Association. All rights reserved.