Why are NLC and APA Partnering Together Now?

Housing Stability is a Prerequisite for Economic Mobility, Job Security, and Health and Well-Being

Housing is the single biggest factor impacting economic mobility for most Americans. When residents have stable living conditions, the benefits are apparent — students do better in school and health outcomes improve. Communities benefit as a whole from this stability. Opportunities for investment growth and economic prosperity develop when housing policies and products serve the needs of residents across generations and income levels. It's up to local governments and leaders to evaluate and reform ordinances and rules to create positive outcomes for residents and communities.

The Affordable Housing Crisis Harms Every Community

In many places, housing instability and homelessness are outpacing the capacity of local governments, housing developers and financial institutions to meet the evolving housing needs of cities and towns. Although localities are not impacted equally, every city, town, and village, from urban to rural, is negatively impacted by the housing crisis. Because housing markets are regional, clashing ordinances related to housing and homelessness can drive racial inequities and produce negative economic outcomes across a region.

Every Level of Government is Being Pressured to Act

Elected officials at every level of government are hearing from constituents that housing is a major problem where they live. In response, cities and states are pursuing a wide range of different, and sometimes contentious, solutions.

Local Governments and Leaders an Essential Part of the Solution

Local leaders are pushing the boundaries of what's possible for local governments to meet demand for housing. Cities are experimenting with zoning and code reforms and, lacking other alternatives, some are building housing on their own.

Annual federal funds for housing and homeless assistance programs are deeply appreciated but insufficient to meet the demand. Local governments are filling gaps by using one-time funds through the American Rescue Plan Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to finance the production and preservation of housing. The Housing Supply Accelerator will help localities do more with their housing dollars and maintain their efforts even after these one-time programs wind down.