Zoning Practice is a toolbox chock full of information geared to inform and inspire planners for the purpose of smarter land-use practice.

Student members and Zoning Practice subscribers have access to all issues. Subscribe individually or purchase an organizational subscription to give your whole team access. Individual issues may be purchased for $10 each.


January 2024
Pattern Zones and Pre-Reviewed Homes

Pattern Zones and Pre-Reviewed Homes

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This issue explores how pre-reviewed building plans can facilitate residential infill.


February 2024
Climate-Resilient Floating Residences

Climate-Resilient Floating Residences

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This issue introduces floating residences as a potential climate adaptation tool.


March 2024
Battery Energy Storage Systems

Battery Energy Storage Systems

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This issue explores zoning considerations for stationary battery storage.


April 2024
Equitable Zoning for Manufactured Housing

Equitable Zoning for Manufactured Housing

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This issue examines longstanding exclusionary zoning practices for manufactured housing.


May 2024
An Equitable Approach to Zoning Notifications (Zoning Practice May 2024)

An Equitable Approach to Zoning Notifications

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This issue explores ways to enhance the equity of zoning-related notices.


June 2024
Zoning for the Dead (Zoning Practice June 2024)

Zoning for the Dead

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This issue explores relationships between death care and local zoning.
July 2024
Zoning for Biosafety (Zoning Practice July 2024)

Zoning for Biosafety

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This issue examines how zoning can promote microbiological and biomedical lab safety.



January 2023
8 Steps to an Effective Code Transition

8 Steps to an Effective Code Transition

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This issue provides a step-by-step guide to adopting a new development code.


February 2023
Practice Gentle Density.

Practice Gentle Density

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This issue explores strategies for integrating missing-middle housing into new and established neighborhoods.


March 2023
Comprehensive Street Naming and Addressing Systems.

Comprehensive Street Naming and Addressing Systems

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This issue provides recommendations for street naming and property numbering regulations.


April 2023
Drone Zoning: Urban Planning’s Next Frontier?

Drone Zoning: Urban Planning's Next Frontier

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This issue explores how planners can apply zoning concepts to local regulations governing drone use.


May 2023
In Defense of Local Zoning.

In Defense of Local Zoning

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This issue presents a case for retaining local control over zoning.


June 2023
Creating Staff Reports With Pizzaz (Zoning Practice June 2023).

Creating Staff Reports With Pizzaz

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This issue presents creative thinking skills exercises that can help planners improve staff reports.
July 2023
Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing.

Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing

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This issue explores how zoning can support developing affordable housing on underused faith-based land.


August 2023
Protecting Historically Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Neighborhoods and Business Districts.

Protecting Historically Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Neighborhoods and Business Districts

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This issue examines how zoning can protect historically disadvantaged and vulnerable neighborhoods and businesses from displacement.


September 2023
Equitable Zoning for Home Occupations.

Equitable Zoning for Home Occupations

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This issue provides recommendations for removing unintentional and inequitable barriers to working from home.


October 2023
Using Generative AI to Draft Zoning Codes.

Using Generative AI to Draft Zoning Codes

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This issue puts generative AI tools to the test for drafting zoning text and images.


November 2023
Tribal Zoning, Sovereignty in Action

Tribal Zoning, Sovereignty in Action

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This issue explores the complexities of applying zoning to tribal lands.


December 2023
Preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing.

Preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing

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This issue presents zoning strategies to preserve older, modest homes.


January 2022
Ending Zoning's Racist Legacy

Ending Zoning's Racist Legacy

This issue highlights steps Boston and Louisville, Kentucky, have taken to begin to rectify inequities through zoning reforms.


February 2022
Zoning for Office-to-Housing Conversions

Zoning for Office-to-Housing Conversions

This issue explores how different zoning standards and techniques affect opportunities to adaptively reuse office spaces for residences.


March 2022
Planning and Zoning for Mobility Hubs

Planning and Zoning for Mobility Hubs

This issue introduces a typology to guide planning and zoning for future mobility hubs.


April 2022
Low-Carbon Land-Use Laws

Low-Carbon Land-Use Laws

This issue explores different types of land-use regulations that reduce GHG emissions associated with new development.


May 2022
Beyond Use Zoning: The Role of Deregulation in Housing Equity

Beyond Use Zoning: The Role of Deregulation in Housing Equity

This issue highlights how cities are looking beyond use zoning to advance goals of housing equity in reforming codes and policies.


June 2022
Zoning for Data Centers and Cryptocurrency Mining

Zoning for Data Centers and Cryptocurrency Mining

This issue provides a summary of contemporary approaches to zoning for data centers and cryptocurrency mining operations.
July 2022
Digital Public Hearings in a Post-COVID World

Digital Public Hearings in a Post-COVID World

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This issue introduces the relatively new idea of asynchronous public hearings and explores the advantages and challenges of modernizing the public hearing process.


August 2022
Activating Ground Floors in Mixed-Use Buildings After COVID

Activating Ground Floors in Mixed-Use Buildings After COVID

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This issue explores how cities and counties are revising ground-floor standards for mixed-use buildings.


September 2022
Fostering Diverse Perspectives on Planning and Zoning Boards

Fostering Diverse Perspectives on Planning and Zoning Boards

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This issue highlights the importance of diversifying planning and zoning boards and offers guidance for recruitment, retainment, and training.


October 2022
Preparing for the Electric Vehicle Surge.

Preparing for the Electric Vehicle Surge

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This issue identifies the land-use implications of expanding public EV charging infrastructure.


November 2022
Coliving: An Old Idea Is New Again.

Coliving: An Old Idea Is New Again

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This issue recommends changes to local zoning codes to accommodate and encourage coliving.


December 2022
Making Drive-Thrus a Boon, Not a Bane

Making Drive-Thrus a Boon, Not a Bane

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This issue presents a zoning framework to accommodate resurgent demand for drive-through services.